
ALRIGHT!! So not an update, but a new story! I hope you all like It, after seeing Transformers One I am in a writing mood now! 


hey @Exe_265, mind if I ask a question for Arc 10. since yang got arrested for destruction property how did she got out of jail? did Ozpin bailed her out worried that Yang's crime would ruined Team STRQ image or her dad bailed her out and ground Ruby for lying to the police and nearly ruined their family image?


@Exe_265 oh and I wonder Ruby relationship with her family would be strained for got Yang arrested?


@spencerble funny that you ask, that'll actually come into play next chapter, which will be out today since I'm just about done with it


So, I have decided on where to send the boy Jaune. He is going to the world of monster hunter rise. I have things planned out but don't know how the story will go so it'll be a bit before I push it out. What I can tell you though is that I have a My Hero Academia that I want to push out. It will be published by Monday, as for the Godzilla story, not sure how I wanna go about it. Writer's block is a bitch


Alright people, so new chapter will be out today, probably in he next two hours or so. Also, I have decided that Jaune will be sent Rise, mainly because I love Amatsu more than I do Fatalis. Should he have a harem? Maybe, not sure yet


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So I haven't watched MHA in a long time, kinda lost interest in it in like Season 2? Haven't read the Manga either and stopped on it a long time ago. But I've heard some things and decided to check it. So you're telling me my boy loses his powers? And gets ghosted by every single friend he had? What the fuck is this Bro? If he was gonna end up quirkless anyways, why give him a quirk in the first place? This is some bullshit man. Rip Midnight though, man sucks to had such a hot character die like that. 


@Exe_265 no people are making some things up like he doesn’t get ghosted we are told that class 1-a has trouble all meeting up.


@Exe_265 The boy wouldn't have gotten anywhere without a quirk and the whole point of One For All is to beat AFO so it served its purpose.


@Exe_265 Well, in the end he kinda becomes iron man. And everyone in this class put money together to get him His armor so he could be with them again