
Ummm... so hi, I'm... back???
          	I apologize for my absence. I kind of dropped off the face of the earth for about a year there, but I'm back... I think. It's kind of up in the air right now. I said last April that I was going to try to update Lycanthrope once a week, but after that I kind of disappeared. Then in June, I said I'd try to update the sequels for both Hunter and Ashes & Embers as soon as I could, but then I took Lycanthrope off the site entirely, so obviously, that didn't happen.
          	HOWEVER: Even in my absence, Hunter has been getting so many views and people have been telling me how much they enjoy the story, even though I haven't really been here. Then recently, I got a burst of creativity - and it's been so long since I've felt that spark, that need to write, that I didn't stop to think, I just went for it.
          	So... I am tentatively back. My life is still a bit crazy right now and will be for quite a few years, but I've decided to try again. The first chapter of Lycanthrope is back up now, and, after a year of trying to write it, the second chapter will hopefully be up in the next day or so.
          	As of right now, I will not have a publishing schedule for Lycanthrope. I am unable to provide that kind of commitment, so I will be publishing at my own pace. It may be days or weeks in between updates. But gods, I will try my very best to give you an ending to Reese's (and Rebecca's) story.
          	As for the sequel to Ashes & Embers... I have no idea. I don't know if I'll even write one. I have two chapters written for that, but I wrote those over a year ago. I don't know if I'm even interested in that story anymore.
          	I love you all, and it's good to be back.
          	Evie <3


@ EvilynRonan  Hello dear! Welcome back! Don't worry, life is crazy and sometimes the best thing to do is recover mentally and take a break from everything.❤ I've just read your story based on POTO and I've gotta say that at first I was like: "mhhhhh, I want Erikkk", but then this story became my fav. It's really well written! I feel intrigued about the ending (in a good way) and don't worry if you don't know how to come up with a sequel. Obviously I would be happy to read how this story goes on, but I even think that an ending a bit "open'', like you don't know what happen next, is good too!!❤ Have a nice day❤


@EvilynRonan I can certainly understand life being crazy, my dad just got out of the hospital after hiatal hernia surgery followed by a leaking esophagus followed by nearly dying 4 times and being in a medically induced coma for most of it. He's not fully recovered in the sense that he can walk around and be overtly active, but his mind miraculously survived all of that so it's just a physical recovery we have to worry about right now.
          	  Because of all that I have hit the pause on most of my writing, the only thing I have really continued is the first book in my sci fi grimdark setting — part of which you can find unedited on my profile as a free sample — because I really need to get it done and well writing grimdark requires going to some pretty dark places and — though I can see the light of hope at the end of the tunnel — obviously I am in a pretty dark place right now so why not channel it into something productive right?


Ummm... so hi, I'm... back???
          I apologize for my absence. I kind of dropped off the face of the earth for about a year there, but I'm back... I think. It's kind of up in the air right now. I said last April that I was going to try to update Lycanthrope once a week, but after that I kind of disappeared. Then in June, I said I'd try to update the sequels for both Hunter and Ashes & Embers as soon as I could, but then I took Lycanthrope off the site entirely, so obviously, that didn't happen.
          HOWEVER: Even in my absence, Hunter has been getting so many views and people have been telling me how much they enjoy the story, even though I haven't really been here. Then recently, I got a burst of creativity - and it's been so long since I've felt that spark, that need to write, that I didn't stop to think, I just went for it.
          So... I am tentatively back. My life is still a bit crazy right now and will be for quite a few years, but I've decided to try again. The first chapter of Lycanthrope is back up now, and, after a year of trying to write it, the second chapter will hopefully be up in the next day or so.
          As of right now, I will not have a publishing schedule for Lycanthrope. I am unable to provide that kind of commitment, so I will be publishing at my own pace. It may be days or weeks in between updates. But gods, I will try my very best to give you an ending to Reese's (and Rebecca's) story.
          As for the sequel to Ashes & Embers... I have no idea. I don't know if I'll even write one. I have two chapters written for that, but I wrote those over a year ago. I don't know if I'm even interested in that story anymore.
          I love you all, and it's good to be back.
          Evie <3


@ EvilynRonan  Hello dear! Welcome back! Don't worry, life is crazy and sometimes the best thing to do is recover mentally and take a break from everything.❤ I've just read your story based on POTO and I've gotta say that at first I was like: "mhhhhh, I want Erikkk", but then this story became my fav. It's really well written! I feel intrigued about the ending (in a good way) and don't worry if you don't know how to come up with a sequel. Obviously I would be happy to read how this story goes on, but I even think that an ending a bit "open'', like you don't know what happen next, is good too!!❤ Have a nice day❤


@EvilynRonan I can certainly understand life being crazy, my dad just got out of the hospital after hiatal hernia surgery followed by a leaking esophagus followed by nearly dying 4 times and being in a medically induced coma for most of it. He's not fully recovered in the sense that he can walk around and be overtly active, but his mind miraculously survived all of that so it's just a physical recovery we have to worry about right now.
            Because of all that I have hit the pause on most of my writing, the only thing I have really continued is the first book in my sci fi grimdark setting — part of which you can find unedited on my profile as a free sample — because I really need to get it done and well writing grimdark requires going to some pretty dark places and — though I can see the light of hope at the end of the tunnel — obviously I am in a pretty dark place right now so why not channel it into something productive right?


          So, I’ve been a bit MIA for a few months. I said I’d try to update Lycanthrope once a week, and failed that goal rather spectacularly, after updating once on April and still haven’t posted the next chapter.
          Unfortunately, I’m putting Lycanthrope on hold for a bit. I have very bad writer’s block for that story, having started it with no plan, which worked for Hunter but is not a good tactic for writing a sequel. I though taking a few weeks away from the story would help, but after staring at my laptop for 2 hours, I did not write a single word. So, there will be no updates for Lycanthrope in the near future, until I figure out what I’m going to do.
          As for the sequel to Ashes & Embers, I also have writer’s block for that. In the year since I’ve finished  Ashes & Embers, I’ve written 2 chapters of the sequel, both in March, and haven’t touched it since. So the sequel will still be quite a while in coming.
          I don’t know… maybe I’m just not as invested in these stories as I was last year. Maybe I’ve already moved on from them and have yet to realized it. Maybe I spent too long away from them, and now they seem like they were written by an entirely different person.
          In any case… thank you, thank you, thank you for the support I’ve seen on both Hunter and Ashes & Embers. Your kind comments and messages make my day. I means so much to me that people out there, even just a small amount, enjoy my writing and the stories I have to tell. 
          So, because of that, I’m not going to give up on them yet. I’m just here to inform you that both sequels will definitely be a long while before they’re released.
          I love you all <3
          ~ Evie


@EvilynRonan I did the same thing with my story. I was trying to keep it all from one person's POV but ended up making 2 chapters and a half in another POV. lol


@lilshadowwolf Yeah… I’ve done that twice, it didn’t help. Then like 10 minutes after I posted my message today, I realized the problem - the perspective of the chapter wasn’t right. I didn’t intend Lycanthrope to be in multiple perspectives, just one, but I scrapped the chapter I was working on, switched POVs, and wrote 1000 words!!!
            Sometimes, I’m so set on one idea that I refuse to acknowledge that there might me any faults with it, and I grow so attached to it that the thought of changing anything is unthinkable. But I’m really glad I forced myself to change things =)


@EvilynRonan Sometimes it helps me when I'm stuck to reread the whole story from the beginning, it halpe me kind of remember the direction I was taking the story. And sometimes I realize I got way off of where I originally planned to take it.
            Working on other stories and taking a break from it aren't always a bad idea. It's much better to write something good than to rush it and fill chapters with nonsense.


I would just like to say I LOVE ash s and ember!!! I have been looking for a adaptation/inspired like phantom of the opera and I finally found it and it exceed my expectations!
          (Quick question does ash have scars on his face like in the phantom of the opera?)


Hi! Sorry it took me a while to respond, I’ve sort of dropped off the face of the Earth.
            Firstly, thank you so much! I can never find Phantom retelling that are actually good, so I decided to write my own in the hopes that people enjoy it (I think it’s working).
            As of now, Ash is not scarred. I plan on having an event happen in the sequel while Ash ends up with scars, but unfortunately I have not yet actually written the sequel…


This is probably a new record for me, being only week 2, but there will not be a chapter of Lycanthrope tomorrow. I have a final essay I need to finish for my philosophy class, and I was very ill over the weekend and am still recovering. I’ll see if I can update later this week, but for now, I’ll see you all next week!


@EvilynRonan *I really want to write a fanfic


@EvilynRonan Just trying to write a fanfic. Sorry if I gave the impression of stalking. My bad :(. Also I want to know, all the ages and heights of all the characters please. I really want a write a fanfic. Thanks :)


@EdessaFrancis ummm I’m sorry but I have to ask… are you trying to stalk Reese? =)
            She’s 23, 5’8”, and I have no idea how much she weighs since that seems unimportant and completely irrelevant to anything. However, I imagine her to be lean with a smaller frame. 
            And before you ask, she has dark brown, curly hair that she prefers to keep up in a ponytail, and eyes that are generally described as “electric blue”


The website NovelHD has been uploading my work on their website without my permission. Does anybody know how to take it down? Please help!