
So I guess I'm doing the writing thing again. First four chapters of the 'Save Me from the Dark' rewrite are up!


Sorry to bother you. Do you know how to complete a story. I dont seem to be avle to do it and my first story is complete. Looking for help on this


@MichelleDiaco Are you on mobile or desktop? On mobile, you go to your story and go to "edit", then you see your title, summary, tags, story category, copyright, and "more info". Tap on "more info" and it'll have a box you can tap to mark the story as completed. On desktop, go to your story and click it. It'll have three options at the top, "story details", "table of contents", and "story notes". Go to "story details" and you'll see your fic title, summary, tags, etc. Go all the way to the bottom and there will be an option to mark the story as completed.


With much excitement, I'd like to announce that 'Save Me from the Dark' is officially complete! It's been a wild ride, that's for sure. 
          I'd like to thank those of you who have stuck with me through the madness, your support has been invaluable. 
          I'd also like to say I'm currently planning another E fanfic, so hey, if you enjoyed the madness of 'Save Me from the Dark' I'm sure you'll enjoy what I have planned next. ;)