
this message may be offensive
I should have never touched Destiny 2 again.
          	Is not surprising to say, I have a love-hate relationship with this game. I've played it at its highest, and i've played it at its lowest, I've gone through so much trouble playing that damn game and enjoying or hating my life playing on it... But... I've put so much time into it i'm familiar with a lot of stuff. Even during last year that I gave myself a break, I couldn't help but see what was going on...
          	But going back to it... IS A PAIN! This game is a fucking adiction I can't let go off, I've played it for nearly its 10 Year Run, I've seen the community grow, grow up with said community. Meet a few guys who later let go off the game during Curse of Osiris- I don't blame them- and nowadays I'm just on my own, floating around this game and doing my thing. Being Decent at PVP and going crazy on PVE.
          	But now I came in with a mindset, I will either Solo all raids(at least the ones I know I can) or I will get some LFG to struggle with for 8 hours straight on fucking Oracles of all things.
          	Look, where I'm getting at is, I'm sorry if I don't write to some crazy pace for the next few weeks as I satisfy my grinding crave- i can't- but I'll try and update as much as possible.
          	Uh... have a good day and I'll go solo Zero Hour like I wanted.


@EvanPrimus_FTW For years now? I found you on youtube and followed you here.  : )


@The_Nocturnal_Raven Oof, idk if that's worse or better-... wait... its THE Noctural Raven- When did you follow me?!


this message may be offensive
I should have never touched Destiny 2 again.
          Is not surprising to say, I have a love-hate relationship with this game. I've played it at its highest, and i've played it at its lowest, I've gone through so much trouble playing that damn game and enjoying or hating my life playing on it... But... I've put so much time into it i'm familiar with a lot of stuff. Even during last year that I gave myself a break, I couldn't help but see what was going on...
          But going back to it... IS A PAIN! This game is a fucking adiction I can't let go off, I've played it for nearly its 10 Year Run, I've seen the community grow, grow up with said community. Meet a few guys who later let go off the game during Curse of Osiris- I don't blame them- and nowadays I'm just on my own, floating around this game and doing my thing. Being Decent at PVP and going crazy on PVE.
          But now I came in with a mindset, I will either Solo all raids(at least the ones I know I can) or I will get some LFG to struggle with for 8 hours straight on fucking Oracles of all things.
          Look, where I'm getting at is, I'm sorry if I don't write to some crazy pace for the next few weeks as I satisfy my grinding crave- i can't- but I'll try and update as much as possible.
          Uh... have a good day and I'll go solo Zero Hour like I wanted.


@EvanPrimus_FTW For years now? I found you on youtube and followed you here.  : )


@The_Nocturnal_Raven Oof, idk if that's worse or better-... wait... its THE Noctural Raven- When did you follow me?!


If I were to make a big Sci-Fi AU with crossovers and what not, would you guys be interested?


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I'm supposed to be writing, but had a fucking epiphany halfway through this, coming up with some Sci-Fi ideas and lore I've been writing down. It's like my 3rd Eye opened and told me "fuck all that shit, write this down" and while I'm mad at it for doing so, I'm still liking this weird lore i'm writing down.
          To those who don't know, somehow, i have an obsession with Science Fiction and insane stuff in general. This in particular just felt like back in the day when I had one of my bigger ideas I'm yet to fully write.
          So what I'm saying is, is nice to have one of these Awakenings. Making new lore and new stuff is always nice.
          Will you guys ever see it? idk. but we cooking at least.


@EvanPrimus_FTW gotta let bro cook on this one B) 


@EvanPrimus_FTW Sci-fi like Ben 10 or?


If you guys remember, some time ago I posted a story called Son of Class 1-A.
          That version not only doesn't exist anymore since it was wiped off the face of the earth, but I personally did not like the way the first chapters I wrote were playing out, so I decided to take advantage of this to remake the story's beginning and what not.
          Now the story is labelled as "My Hero Academia: The Son of Class 1-A", this is a project I started 2 years ago and has been growing since. This story is ridiculous in many, MANY ways, but I hope all of you are willing to enjoy it and see what sort of mess I write down for it.
          Uh that really is it, as you can see I've been a little more active and been updating a few of my stories, Tale of the Coin should be next, but that one I need a little more time since... well is RWBY I'm dealing with there, so please bare with me as I begin Volume 2 probaly on early June?
          Nothing more to say, have a nice day everyone.


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I've been doing more exercise recently, mainly because I needed to find a way to clear my mind from a bunch of stuff, but its been of great help. Of great help is also playing Nikke which istg I cannot get tired of it, there's so much to love about that damn game that I don't think I can put all of them into words.
          Putting it aside, writing Transformers: One's Jusice was NOT in my to-do list, but with recent events and a rebirth of my passion for toy robots that can turn into fucking vehicles and tend to commit war crimes on the daily and steal the fucking Eiffel Tower.
          Tho I hope all of you enjoy my crippling love for a franchise which all toys unironically say "8+" on the box. I'll be cooking some other stuff on the sidelines.


and i going to play Nikke 'cause of you, curse you evan!


@EvanPrimus_FTW Robot toys is one of humanity greatest creations and anyone can fight me on that(ง'̀-'́)ง


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Hey guys! Guess who lost months of preparation and losing time he could've used writting on a 50/50 lost at the hands Dehya of all fucking character?


@EvanPrimus_FTW Lost ALL 3 Raiden Shogun 50/50's to Jeanne and Diluc...I know the feeling.


@EvanPrimus_FTW i lost every single 50/50 i had


@EvanPrimus_FTW …. I wished right before the version and got c1Neuvillete only cause I want to lose 50/50 guarantee for Furina, only to find out later that she’s not coming for this version


So quick thing to say, out of the many things I've done recently, here's the two that matter the most.
          1.- I did an absolute purge of ideas, pretty much erasing and putting into a vault a total of 198 ideas that I'm to never write and narrowed it to around 15. Some were books I still have up, others only made it to drafts and others never made it pass the idea phase. The ones I kept I may talk about in the future, but you guys will see... also don't worry about the React stories, those are still in the menu.
          2.- I begun playing Nikke because a friend used foul spells from a forbidden era of humanity against me and I'm actually liking it. The fact my first comment after 30 minutes of playing was "This is just Time Crisis with BBWs" made me realize I actually like the game and its story. (ik my words seem off but i tend to humor things i enjoy)
          Will ideas with Nikke involve happen? who knows. Will i begin using its music for some of my stories? 100% because this game has no reason to go this hard.
          When it comes to the ideas, again, you'll see more about them in a not too distant future, and I mostly did it because I had been feeling like all i've done is slug myself with ideas that didn't let me focus. So I just did this to clear my mind.
          Hope yall have a good day.


@ EvanPrimus_FTW  Damn