
Hot chocolate got me outta school early 


this message may be offensive
Imma let out a couple feels right now to get it off my chest. Not a lot of people I know, know I have a Wattpad account, so the people that I know irl, do not speak to me about this. Please.
          I literally want to curl up into a ball right now and just cry.
          I want to go out side and walk and just... think. Listen to the cars passing by down the block and wonder where they could be going. Look at houses and wonder who lives there.
          I want to be able to walk down stairs right now and not be told to do something.
           I want to sleep and stay asleep and never wake up and as depressing as that sounds, it’s just the goddamn truth. 
          I want to be able to read a sad book and get to a part involving emotions and NOT break down because I can relate to it. 
          I want to be able to run like I used to, without the stupid heart pains that make double over and gasp for a little air. 
          I want to be able to have a normal conversation with my little siblings and them not make me feel fat or stupid or ugly.
           I want to ask a certain someone out but my mom might be homophobic and that tears my heart in two. 
          I want my parents to talk to me individually and not get together right after to talk shit. I want them to stop fighting over every little thing. 
          And goddamn it, I just want to be able to tell my parents this because it hurts. But I can’t, and not because it hurts; 
           I can’t, because I’m fine. 


I’m not one to cry all that much while reading a book, but when I do.. I CRY. As in buckets of tears. So imagine how surprised my mom was to walk past the livening room only to see me, in the dark, hugging a pillow, blubbering and sobbing into said pillow, and blaring old town road through my headphones. 


I totally fcken would


@Eva-adorable make an ASMR video with that lmaooo