
Hey y’all, should i do robotics or jazz band? I play piano (competitively, and for exams) and do math club (competitively) and orchestra. Wondering which one will take up less time, and which one would be better with my skill set. I'm terrible at robotics....


I was crying yesterday over a bad grade. By brother thought it was funny. I have never come so close to strangling i feel bad about it. should i?


Mhm, told them about it and they were nice. As long as my average grade in the gradebook is over 95%, they're fine with it.


@EtherGem Jesus a bad grade while your brother laughing over it. I know you really want to, but maybe uhhh… you shouldn’t. I really wanted to say talk about it with your mom, but that doesn’t really work either. So maybe you should ignore him, or just be honest with your parents and give your brother a proper spanking from your parents. I know that telling a bad grade to our parents is very scary, but I think that’s by far the best option I think you have.