
Hello fellow readers 
          	I apologize for the Twenty second chapter being unpublished it was due to me not finishing writing the chapter .
          	It's out now ! Check it out !
          	Thank you for your understanding .
          	~ Esther Ali~


Hi guys !! Check out my new story ' The Mafia ballerinas ' it will mean a lot to me if you do  and don't forget to share the link below I just published "Chapter One" of my story "The Mafia's Ballerinas".


Hey Ally, thanks so much for following ❤️ Hope you enjoy my stories as well as continue to publish yours! If you'd ever like to chat about writing feel free to DM me :) 


@Ally_Esther I'm so glad you did ❤️ And yes ofcourse would love to! DM me anytime xx 


@StarSkipper98 Hey Star thank you for replying ❤️❤️ I really enjoyed reading 'love me through the phone' I love Sophie's personality . I will love to chat about writing maybe you can give me some tips? since it's my first time writing books