
Alright. Let's try this: 
          	Hello everyone, between school, trying to make a new sleep schedule happen, more school, and anxiety I have been trying to figure out one important thing: 
          	In the apparent stream of books being deleted from Wattpad, do I publish and risk my book being deleted as well? 
          	On top of that, how have the the other things on books changed? Aside from age of consent being raised to 18, I don't know anything. 
          	So I'll let some people help me in this decision. 
          	Have a good day/noon/night. 


@ErynneStorm  Based on what others tell me, the AI system is out of wack. It can randomly delete anything taken out of context, no matter how innocuous it is. It's a small chance, but if I were you, I'd take the chance , but make sure to back up your work elsewhere too.


Alright. Let's try this: 
          Hello everyone, between school, trying to make a new sleep schedule happen, more school, and anxiety I have been trying to figure out one important thing: 
          In the apparent stream of books being deleted from Wattpad, do I publish and risk my book being deleted as well? 
          On top of that, how have the the other things on books changed? Aside from age of consent being raised to 18, I don't know anything. 
          So I'll let some people help me in this decision. 
          Have a good day/noon/night. 


@ErynneStorm  Based on what others tell me, the AI system is out of wack. It can randomly delete anything taken out of context, no matter how innocuous it is. It's a small chance, but if I were you, I'd take the chance , but make sure to back up your work elsewhere too.


Hello everyone,
          It feels so weird to be here again, talking to everyone, but I have something to say:
           I'm taking down all my books and starting fresh.
           I know you read that and go 'wait what?' but let's be honest I haven't posted a new chapter of a story and how long? I lost count.  Everything from school to personal matters, I haven't done anything story-wise in months, so I'm taking down all the things I have and re-editing Warrior of the Sun.
          Along with posting a new story involving two fandoms I am a part of in an original world of mine.
           Work will be slow and updates inconsistent ,but if you're willing to stick with me for this ride, I'm willing to make it worth your while.
           I love you guys, 


i’m ecstatic to see what you have planned!! I can’t wait to start reading your stuff again 


Hello there, Erynne. Just stopping by to say thank you so much for following me. You're amazing for it ❤️ Always curious to know how people found my account and why they followed, so feel free to share  Haha, even if you don't feel like sharing, still, thanks so much for the follow. It means a ton to me ^.^
          - Cross


Hello everyone,
          I know I've been silent for a long time, haven't had any motivation to do that due to school and life. But I am proud to announce that in three weeks (because my elective has crazy point values and they are important.) an original concept story will be being posted hopefully regularly. The Girl, The Sorceress, and The Hunter is a Fantasy Action-Adventure mixed with a bit of coming to age. I hope you guys will enjoy it. 


@ErynneStorm I cant wait to read the first chapter of this Stormy, it sounds like it will be thrilling and exciting, I wish you luck on this


To the people of Wattpad who write stories with cast lists: 
          How do you know what to put in them?! Because I'm trying to do one and I'm so unsure of what to put in it! Obviously you want name and age, but where do you go from there? I need tips please.