
Still inspired by all the awesome writers here, I have decided to take down my story "I Did This For You" and re-publish it. I had gotten serious writer's block. And when inspiration kicked in, I didn't have time to write. I have several stories under my belt now that I wish to start publishing. I hope you all bear with and enjoy this hypocrite, because I literally drag for people who start stories and don't finish. Please be patient with me. Thanks for your continued support and thanks to all the awesome writers on this platform who's willing to share their gifts with me!!!


Still inspired by all the awesome writers here, I have decided to take down my story "I Did This For You" and re-publish it. I had gotten serious writer's block. And when inspiration kicked in, I didn't have time to write. I have several stories under my belt now that I wish to start publishing. I hope you all bear with and enjoy this hypocrite, because I literally drag for people who start stories and don't finish. Please be patient with me. Thanks for your continued support and thanks to all the awesome writers on this platform who's willing to share their gifts with me!!!


Hey! Thank you so much for adding my book to your reading list! It means a lot! 


            No problem. I love reading. I've been inspired to write. I have several stories I've started but get writer's block. I actually published one 3yrs ago and stopped. I am ready to start again. I actually took it down and editing it. I will probably publish my other stories simultaneously. I figure if I publish them, I will be obligated to finish since I talk about people who start stories and dont finish. But ain't I the perfect hypocrite!!


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I started a new job and it's killing me. I'm not a stranger to hard work but imagine going from being a secretary sitting at a desk all day to working in a semi-fastfood restaurant on my feet all day. Not particularly my choice, but I've been out of work for 6 months. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Anyway, thanks for all the reads. I was starting to think my book was to boring or not well written. I plan to update before this weekend is over. 
          I live in New Orleans and it's Mardi Gras season. Parades, parades, parades. I'm over the parades though. My children are old enough to go alone (27, 17 & 13), so they go.
          Well anyway, I just wanted to update you guys and let you know I didn't leave you hanging. I hate reading a story and the writer doesn't update. I've read a bunch like that. I read the plot and if it sounds interesting, I add it to my library. I've read some awesome stories and get to the good part and realize the author hasn't updated in a while. That really pisses me off. When I find new stories, I check the date of the last update. If it's past 2 weeks, with an author's note, I don't read it.
          I want to thank you all for inspiring me. I have so many ideas for stories. I actually started writing 3 more. I want to get most of this one out before I start another. Don't want to be a hypocrite. Well, see you in a bit. I wish there was a Wattpad convention where we can get together at least once perfect year. And maybe start Chapters in our perspective areas. I would love to meet you guys. Yall are some amazing writers. I even noticed some are selling their stories now. I WOULD LOVE THAT!!!!