
Hey guys. I just want to let you all know that I’m going to get my phone fixed this Saturday. The reason is because my phone is glitching out and I can’t do much on it. (I’m typing this on my IPad btw.) I just want to let you all know that if it gets fixed or if I have to get a new phone and possibly restart my stories (for both options), then please be patient with me. It might take me awhile to re-do ALL of my story. So thanks for reading, and I hope you understand.


Happy very late 1-year anniversary for L.A’s Duel Academy, Ernesto!


            I doubt you’ll find yourself in despair then, my friend. 


Hey guys. I just want to let you all know that I’m going to get my phone fixed this Saturday. The reason is because my phone is glitching out and I can’t do much on it. (I’m typing this on my IPad btw.) I just want to let you all know that if it gets fixed or if I have to get a new phone and possibly restart my stories (for both options), then please be patient with me. It might take me awhile to re-do ALL of my story. So thanks for reading, and I hope you understand.


Damn. I can feel myself getting older by the day. I may be 16, but I feel like 80 already.  
          Anyway, it's my birthday today. Going to have dinner at Red Lobster this Saturday. Gonna get myself STUFFED!! 


@WiltingBlackRoses It's fine. Thanks.


Ah, happy late birthday! Sorry I didn’t tell you this on the date.


Hey guys!!
          Right now I'm bored. So, I'm thinking of creating a new archetype. The thins is that I'm having trouble with inspiration. So, think you can help me out? I'll appreciate any and all ideas. Just know that it can be anything.


@Ern160 lol, I get it. That's epic ^-^


@DawnOfTyme Cool concept. Might make that in the future when I have time. Heh, get it?


@Ern160 Maybe you could make a time travel themed archetype? Similar to Time Theives in theming, but not so much in play style.
            For example, a card could say "When your opponent declares an attack, you can discard/tribute (depending on where it is) this monster. Negate that attack, and if you do, end the Battle Phase and it becomes your Standby Phase.
            The downside with this play style is that you would be willing sacrificing your normal draw, but you'd be able to make up for it via searching and distrupting your opponent ^-^


Hey everyone!! Just wanted to wish you all a happy and safe Merry Christmas!! To all my followers, readers, and fellow authors, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your friends and families.
          Take care 


@WiltingBlackRoses Thanks!! And to you too.


Happy Holidays my friend.


@Wolfgirl0909 Thanks!! And to you too.