I am a just a novice writer who spends more time planning out ideas and plotting scenarios than actually writing. 

Writing fictional stories is what I use to express myself, for when I hide behind my characters and wander through their stories, I relax from the hardships of the day. I like to use symbolism and references within my works about light and darkness (hope and despair, never giving up, staying true to yourself and to others) because I strongly believe that having difficulties will make us stronger as long as we stay positive, no matter how hard it may seem. I know from personal experience that life can be painful, but without hurt and sadness, how can we fully appreciate happiness?

I'll read anything that I can get my hands on and just love to write. Sometimes I get ideas at the oddest moments and a few times I've wrote down story notes on my homework... I am not a professional writer though I hope that someday I might.

Please do not judge my writing too harshly, for I am only human and am prone to making mistakes. I aspire to improve with every word.
  • JoinedOctober 5, 2013