
Hello author san,
          I just came by to say, thank you. For your book "Demon's heart" has heavily inspired me on writing my own books, "The fallen slayer" and its sequel "A sealed fate". If i hadn't stumble upon your book, then maybe these two books would never exists in the first place.
          Also, forgive me if i had literally copied straight up from your book but it does really inspires me to write and i somehow managed to finished both books. And I'm sad to see that the book is gone now but, the credits for the amazing spark of an idea still goes to you.
          So thank you once again, forgive me again if i didn't properly said this before and have offended you in any way.
          Thank you again and have a nice day.
          Sincerely your author,


@KnyNovel its a pleasure to be an inspiration for you. I wish you the best of luck in your life and career