
Hi everyone! 
          	Sorry I've been absent from here for a while. High School is taking up more of my time then I thought it would; that coupled with writer's block doesn't make for a whole lot of updates. Hopefully, though, once I get things all smoothed out, I'll return to writing Two-Faced. 
          	In the meantime, I'm trying to come up with a plan for the Write RI contest, so I'll be posting a short story here shortly, probably more if you guys like this one. Maybe I'll make a collection of them on my account, who knows. That might be easier to keep up with than my novel at the moment, so what do you think?
          	Anyway, thanks for sticking around! I promise I'll try to post more soon.


Thanks for the follow! Bmf?


Hi everyone! 
          Sorry I've been absent from here for a while. High School is taking up more of my time then I thought it would; that coupled with writer's block doesn't make for a whole lot of updates. Hopefully, though, once I get things all smoothed out, I'll return to writing Two-Faced. 
          In the meantime, I'm trying to come up with a plan for the Write RI contest, so I'll be posting a short story here shortly, probably more if you guys like this one. Maybe I'll make a collection of them on my account, who knows. That might be easier to keep up with than my novel at the moment, so what do you think?
          Anyway, thanks for sticking around! I promise I'll try to post more soon.


Hi everyone! 
          This may not concern all of you, but for the people who are currently reading my book, Two-Faced, I wanted to let you know that I'm taking a break from working on it for a while to catch up on the summer homework I have to do. This last bit of my summer has been really hectic, so I'm behind on my homework. Unfortunately, that means I have to cut time from my writing. I will be back once it's all finished though, so look forward to that!
          Sorry to anyone that was hoping for more soon,


Hello everyone! For anyone who's reading my book, I will be posting a new chapter today. Unfortunately, it will be pretty late (likely in about 3 to 4 hours) because I currently don't have access to my computer, and I can't upload from the document on my phone. To try to make up for it, I'm posting a new chapter, along with a journal entry of sorts. It'll be a little different than my normal uploads, so if you like it, let me know! Your feedback is always welcome.


Hi Everyone!
          I know I've been pretty much - well, completely - absent as far as actually writing goes, but that's going to change right now! I just posted the first chapter of my new story "Two-Faced" on my account! I would appreciate it if you'd take a look and give me a little bit of feedback. I'll be trying to update at least once a week, so hopefully I can keep up with it over the summer, and maybe stockpile some to send out during the school year. 
          Either way, I hope you enjoy what I have to offer! Thanks in advance for reading!


The Second Part's up now too! Let me know if you like this format!


Welcome to Wattpad! Anyone who is a friend of @Booklover311912 is a friend of mine.


@SapphireAlena Thank you so much! I'll take a look right now.


Hey, Emma! Welcome to Wattpad, and thanks for the follow! I just wanted to say, if you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask! It’ll be great having you here. :-)
          ~ Aurora


@booklover311921 You're welcome! A friend recommend from you is a worthy recommendation indeed. (=


Ahh! Amazing! @BeckyMerari1808 and @avadel, thanks for following her!!