
Hey my loves, sorry it’s been a while! I’ve just seen a message on my wall checking if I’m okay so this is just me hopping on and reassuring everyone I’m okay, just insanely busy with life haha but I’m fine and I hope everyone is too!! 
          	Unfortunately I cannot say when I’ll come back to write as I just need to prioritise other stuff right now, and to be honest I haven’t had the inspiration to write in a long time. This isn’t me saying goodbye but I just want to manage everyone’s expectations.
          	In case I don’t pop back on before Christmas, I hope everyone has very merry holidays, that everyone has their health, I love you all for checking on me and I’ll see you all soon. Stay safe guys :) 


Good too hear from you❤️take care and have a happy holiday 


Hey my loves, sorry it’s been a while! I’ve just seen a message on my wall checking if I’m okay so this is just me hopping on and reassuring everyone I’m okay, just insanely busy with life haha but I’m fine and I hope everyone is too!! 
          Unfortunately I cannot say when I’ll come back to write as I just need to prioritise other stuff right now, and to be honest I haven’t had the inspiration to write in a long time. This isn’t me saying goodbye but I just want to manage everyone’s expectations.
          In case I don’t pop back on before Christmas, I hope everyone has very merry holidays, that everyone has their health, I love you all for checking on me and I’ll see you all soon. Stay safe guys :) 


Good too hear from you❤️take care and have a happy holiday 


Hi hope you're doing well. We haven't heard from you in a while. Hope everything is okay. Honestly cannot say that I want you to stop writing but if it's too much for your schedule I (and I think a lot more people) will understand. Look forward to you coming back if that is possible.
          All my love,
          A loyal reader ❤️


i just finished ‘the avengers daughter’ and i cannot tell you that i didnt love it. honestly IT WAS AMAZING!  if you ever wanted to make a part two you really wouldnt need to worry if its going to get attention bc it deff will


Hi my loves!! I am so, SO, sorry, i had been planning to write more recently but work got in the way!! Anyway, I’m now on my break!!! So I plan to TRY and write a lot more! 
          I’ve noted down all requests on my wall and will take down requests messaged to me too, but if there are any requests you think may have been buried accidentally, please comment and message, and I’ll reply!! 
          As always thank you all for being so understanding, I love you all and stay safe!! Xoxo


@Em3698 there's no need to apologize at all! Also I wanted to let you know that I DMed you a Nathan Drake request not that long ago if you would wanna do it<3


Hope you enjoy the breakkk 


U don’t have to apologise. Enjoy your break <3