
SURPRISE! There’s an extra chapter of And Stay this week because it’s the one year anniversary of when I posted the very first chapter! 
          	Enjoy! It’s a good one! ;)


I don't know about other writers, but I love coming up with the names for my characters. Sometimes I know right away what their name is going to be - like Raven's or In Seong's. And sometimes, it takes me hours to figure out what their names are going to be. Beatriz's name took me HOURS to figure out. Same with Sora's. 
          Three characters that you haven't met yet have some pretty cool names. It helps when I have a specific time period I have to follow, like say, the 1920s. I'll give you a hint to their names: Olwen De la Rue, Nadia Pryce, and Menna Bay. 
          Any guesses to what fics are coming? ;) 
          Your hints are: it takes place in the 1920s, and one of the names gives it away if you know the movie.


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Jin's home! He's officially been discharged from the military. And I'm crying. I think I'm crying more than when BTS announced their enlistment period. Just seeing the picture of the boys (minus Yoongi, 'cause he literally meant it when he said we wouldn't see him until 2025), I can't stop crying. 
          When I say BTS means *so* much to me, I truly mean it. They helped me through one of the darkest periods of my life, I owe them so much. It's been six years since I started stanning them, and I will never leave them. 
          Just seeing them greet Jin - Joonie with the fucking sax (dude, the fuck? XD), and watching them hug, god, the tears are just flowing.


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I did! I did! I’m so fucking excited! Best way to end the night last night was with a Jin live and the news of Sweet Home S3! 


@ElysiumStarrs so happy he back now I hope thing could calm down. did you see the news sweet home 3 releasing July 19.


I'm writing a new character (what else is new), and he's gonna be SO much fun! I can't wait for you guys to meet Damien. 
          And yes, he's the character I thought about two days ago when I saw the Han edit. I haven't done this much prep for a character in a LONG time, like it's FIVE PAGES of notes, and the first chapter alone is 4k words. 
          It's been a while since I've written like this. And it feels SO good. This also probably gives you a great idea how quickly I can get things written after an idea comes into my head.


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If you ever wanted to know how quickly my brain works, here's a GREAT example: I saw an edit for Han, that showed him in both F&F and Better Luck Tomorrow, and in an instant, an idea popped into my head. 
          All I did was look at an edit - that's how insane my brain is. Not that I need *any more* ideas in my brain, but fuck... it would be an interesting story.


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June Schedule: 
          M - And Stay, Some Hearts 
          T - Hold Me Tight 
          W - Sparks, Stardust 
          T - Bloodlines, Mercy 
          F - Paradise, Scar Crossed 
          S - Fearlessness, Rebellion 
          S - Among the Stars 
          If you read Sparks or Stardust, I want to say that the chapters this month (and for the foreseeable future) will alternate each week until I have more written. Sometimes writing AIB is fucking hard.  
          From the 24th through 30th, 8 of these stories are going to be posted daily! It is my Wattpad anniversary, and I decided to treat you to a week-long posting again! And just a reminder, if any of my stories hit a milestone during this month, I will post those chapters on July 1st, for my own sanity.  
          I told you guys that I had a lot planned for May and June, particularly June, so I hope you guys are excited! I know I am. It has been nice to plan all this out and written. It feels nice being back on a schedule. Plus... a new story...? Ohhhh... what could it POSSIBLY be? You’ll find out on Tuesday. ;) 
          What are you guys looking forward to during June?


@darkwhisperswolf It's gonna be a good month. :)


I suddenly like Mondays now 