
Does anyone know how to stop receiving Gmails from Wattpad? Please let me know because my inbox has exactly 748 Gmails from Wattpad as 'notifications.' 


@Ellie_Navarro click on the email and under the subject it will say who its from (its gonna say: Wattpad) and then next to it, there'll be the email adress and then next to that it says 'unsubscribe' with a line under it - click that


Does anyone know how to stop receiving Gmails from Wattpad? Please let me know because my inbox has exactly 748 Gmails from Wattpad as 'notifications.' 


@Ellie_Navarro click on the email and under the subject it will say who its from (its gonna say: Wattpad) and then next to it, there'll be the email adress and then next to that it says 'unsubscribe' with a line under it - click that