
Wow. Some people like my story "Her Evil Regret" (You know who you are. :D ) It's a miracle.


@ElleryTheCanadian Hi Ellery,I want to ask you something.Can you cheack out my first chapter of my ohshc fanfic?I would love to here your opinion.If you don't like leave some suggestions.THANKS


Wow. Some people like my story "Her Evil Regret" (You know who you are. :D ) It's a miracle.


@ElleryTheCanadian Hi Ellery,I want to ask you something.Can you cheack out my first chapter of my ohshc fanfic?I would love to here your opinion.If you don't like leave some suggestions.THANKS


Question: I noticed you left a message on Parogar's message board saying "Notice me, Senpai!" and, no offense meant in any manner, do you know what a "senpai" is? I'm only asking because I studied Japanese honourifics and I noticed lots of people are using that phrase even if they've no idea what a senpai is.
          Again, I'm not trying to be offensive or insulting, but as an otaku and mangaka, I like keeping people educated!