
          	So I am uploading some stories from my AO3  account that are from Prompt Exchanges I participated in as part of a Reylo Writing Den group on Discord. I never posted them here, but since I am trying to get back into writing I've decided to post them here.
          	So please check them out if you wish. And don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you and enjoy! :)


Hi! I'm a Reylo too. I saw your works on someone else's reading list, and I'm looking forward to start one. I also have a fanfic on my account with Reylo in westeros. I saw that you have one story with westworld, so I thought you have seen game of thrones too. 


@rainyday0307 TRUE. DAT. I saw it 3 times in December and haven't since, despite owning the DVD and being a Disney Plus subscriber.


@rainyday0307 the ending in got is still better that the one of the sequels 


@rainyday0307 I have seen GOT. Sad the ending was ridiculous AF. Still doesn't top How I Met Your Mother for worst series ending though. ;)


          So I am uploading some stories from my AO3  account that are from Prompt Exchanges I participated in as part of a Reylo Writing Den group on Discord. I never posted them here, but since I am trying to get back into writing I've decided to post them here.
          So please check them out if you wish. And don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you and enjoy! :)


READERS: Which story of mine would you like me to continue first? I've got 3 stories on pause and can't decide which one to get back to work on. ♡


@ElleRen31 I love all three of those!! Can’t wait to see where you take them