
I'm on discord. If anybody's interested, pm, I'll give my username.


Hello! I know it's been a while but I just updated my book : Diary of a Prostitute. I've been doing a lot of editing and updating on it. Your comments help me get better . If you're still interested, Please do read and share your thoughts in the comments section. I'm sure it'll be worth your votes!


Hello all of you. All of my beautiful 300+ followers who won't be seeing me for the next year or more.
          Sorry, I won't be around.
          It seems I have to give more importance to my academics because it is the last year of my school life and I mean to score very high. 
          That being said, 'God Upon Chaos' won't be abandoned. It'll lie stagnant for a while and I will renew it with a better updating scheme and editing. 
          You won't be abandoned. Yes, you. Each and every one of you. Thank you for being by my side for a wacky three and a half years. Thank you to my readers as well for though you were scanty and some never voted nor commented, the very fact that you even read my story made my day. You guys have kept me going in Wattpad for so long, do you even know that?


            I was about to cry. I thought you were leaving us forever! Girl, you go and kick ass then come back even if it takes a year. I will NEVER forget you and definitwly will not unfollow ❤
            I wish you all the best with your studies :D
            But I'm really gonna miss you :<


@EllaRoland we will wait for you... Come back soon ❤


There are some special people in my Wattpad life that I need to talk about before I go. Wattpad didn't give me much of a writing career, but it gave me friends. Great friends.
          @a_d_a_m Thank you for being one of the best people I ever met in Wattpad. We rarely talk, but you always rekindle our conversation everyday. You've been with me almost from when I joined till know. You won't believe how much your support has been to me. You were my first roleplay partner and my first true friend and stayed with me even when our connection almost severed. I am still waiting for 'Jack the Killer - III', by the way.


@EllaRoland You're an amazing friend, Ella ❤


@EllaRoland good bye my friend, I hope you'll be back soon, and I also hope everything will go well like you want and even better. 
            Don't worry about the story, I'll either do it this summer or the one after it but it will be written.


@Ellen_Reese Thanks for being my best bud, you devilish little Gorehound. You were there when I was high and low and you gave me more support than I ever deserved. Your horror stories have more potential than you realise and I hope that when I return, you'll have two million reads and five hundred thousand votes and you'll have won the Wattys. You'll get your books published by a big publisher, one day. I know you will. You remember those people who told you, you won't ever become an author? Beat them to a pulp with your hardcover book.
          @Usaginoko You are my gifted, artist friend who needs a little more confidence in her talent. You were the best roleplay partner I ever had. You have always been so kind and understanding. I can't write a lot about you, I am sorry, because your worth is in my heart – not my words. And you know what? One day, I will come to the U.S. and hoard all your keychains. And cookies. For free. 


@EllaRoland Aww. Ella! I'm so glad I met you too. We became best buds indeed ❤❤
            OMG. I actually teared up reading you encouraging words :'(
            And then chucled at "beat them to a pulp with your hardcover book." XD
            Thank you so much, gurl, but you're scaring me. What's going on?


@scmimi You. You beautiful graphic designer prodigy and artist. Thank you so much for instilling life into 'God Upon Chaos' with your cover. I hope you grow big, very big in this community. I will be waiting for 'Dangerous Prey', cool? It's not fair I only got one chapter.
          @Witto150 We have not been friends for long but you are a great person. Thank you for pointing out all the mistakes in my story and being abrupt with me. One day, I hope I can buy NinRai, okay?
          @TheBardicCollege Sorry I am leaving in the middle of your awards. I hope your community grows and flourishes brilliantly. You'll grow big, I promise.


@EllaRoland You are very welcome <3 I still have to finish the rest of the book. I'll try to do it next week, and then I'll upload the big review in the book ;-)
            I'm just glad when I can help a bit ;-)


@EllaRoland thank you so much! This is so sweet~ I hope to see you again even if it is years after! Good luck to you ♥