
this message may be offensive
SO January was a flop but that's okay I wasn't really motivated and a lot of bad shit happened so it was hard to focus on weight loss anyway. I'm doing a book on this month and I'm actually gonna really try. Starting tomorrow I will be doing it and I'll explain more in the book so yeah look for that. I will also be updating on tips for weight loss as I have found quite a few.


Not really sure how this is offensive but you do you wattpad.


this message may be offensive
SO January was a flop but that's okay I wasn't really motivated and a lot of bad shit happened so it was hard to focus on weight loss anyway. I'm doing a book on this month and I'm actually gonna really try. Starting tomorrow I will be doing it and I'll explain more in the book so yeah look for that. I will also be updating on tips for weight loss as I have found quite a few.


Not really sure how this is offensive but you do you wattpad.


TRIGGER WARNING!!! Please be away that what I am about to talk about can be very sensitive to some people and I want to make sure that none of my readers will be affected to greatly by this so if you do have a trigger I suggest not reading this but If you would like to read with caution.
          Hey guys so I'm going to shed further light one how the beginning of this year was a really sucky one. Last week one of my classmates attempted to take his life and succeeded. This is the second time this year that this has happened and it really has affected me and the rest of the school. I fell into a really bad state that I haven't been in for a long time and recently relapsed into self harming. I know this is a really bad habit believe me I do know. I've been going to get help but with the second suicide in my grade this year it has been really rough. Please If you have suicidal thoughts or tenancies get help. So many people care about you and would rather you come to get help than  take your own life. Believe me it will get better. You have so much more life in you don't pass on this kind of sadness to all the people who love you. If you can't go to someone you know for help please call the suicide prevention hotline (1-800-273-8255) because so many people care about you even if you can't see it. Stay safe, stay strong.
          Love you guys


Hey guys  I’ve been really bored lately and kinda want to write an actual book so if you have any ideas in mind PLEASE message me because I really want to start writing I just don’t know what to write about. Also if you like my weight lose book please feel free to talk to me about things like that and yeah.  
          See you later, C


Hey guys, so ... I had a really rough day or at least the second half was really terrible. I found something out today at school and broke down in the car. Something awful happened to an amazing student at my school and it has really affected me. I was planning on releasing a new book today but I don’t think I’ll be updating for a while. I need time to just sort things out. And please if anyone you love or even know shows any sign of needing help talk to them, hold them close and tell them how much they matter even if it’s nothing because you never know if it could be something and if you don’t ask you might lose them. Love you all, C


So I’d like to say I had to delete my old book I wasn’t good and it wasn’t going anywhere. If you want to take some of those ideas you can just ask and I’ll send you the story. I have started two new books that have barely even begun and I would be grateful to all your love and support. Lastly I do know I’m not the best writer but I really want to get better and I’m going to actually try with these new books. If you have an idea that you want me to make into a story I would be glad to, just let me know and I can make it a separate book or add it to my book of one shots.