
hello! update coming soon. ive been very busy the past few months, but finally things have settled, and the wattpad app on my phone has also been very wonky, but i think i finally fixed it. stay tuned for more song-ee and percy content! cheers!


the updates on flower food will slow down but not by a ton so dont be scared. i was posting like every other day for a while but my semester has picked up its pace so i cant go quite as fast as i did before. there will still be an update every week around the weekend/close to the beginning of the week, so dont fret. thanks for reading and cheers 


lol and here i thought my stupid ahh pjo fic would never grow an audience bc i barely put in the effort in the beginning


@Echonelia girl i love it its literally feeding me


this message may be offensive
like I fucking love it, I fucking love YOU


@ Echonelia  girl it's like so well written I'm literally about to ask you to marry me 


i havent been on here since i was like. 13 lol
          heres to a new me and also hopefully better writing. if u knew me from my dark past no u dont 
          i guess ill start releasing more stuff on here question mark? its definitely less of a hassle than ao3. but i dont have any particular attachment to this site either so we'll see if i ever stop being lazy and crosspost my other stuff too
          thanks for reading my shameful pjo fic if u have. kachow (thats the sound of me blasting away on my turbo fart)