// ; i love how i only come on here occasionally to post lawyer - related tiktok's lately / j ... nah but anyhow, i'm thinking about expanding on his background more with either a doc or a carrd, so stay tuned for that hehe


// ; i love how i only come on here occasionally to post lawyer - related tiktok's lately / j ... nah but anyhow, i'm thinking about expanding on his background more with either a doc or a carrd, so stay tuned for that hehe


the lady at the front desk paged me.   said you needed to speak to me directly.   what do you need me for?


@EXPERTESQ    she’s okay.    she’s doing much better,   but i’m afraid i can’t tell you any more than that.   i’m sure you’re familiar with hipaa.   [ her hands rest in the pockets of her white coat,   offering a tiny smile. ]   you can visit her now if you’d like.   she’s awake.


            ronin was looking down at his phone when he was approached, but as soon as he heard deniz's voice, it was gone -- and stuffed back in his pocket. with a nod, he cleared his throat in an attempt to gather his bearings quickly. " oh... yeah. you're doctor demir, right? i heard that my friend, hinami aono, was admitted here earlier this evening, and you took care of her. but they said only immediate family can see her -- so, can you please let me know if she's okay? "  


// ; alright, but he's got such a juicy backstory, y'all ... i'll have to post something about it soon because coming up with it honestly made me see him in a whole nother light 


            // ; AHH i'm so glad to hear that !! and i'm honored to hear that you are, tbh, so i'm going to make double - sure that i have the opportunity to post it sometime soon [: 


/   looking forward to seeing this


mr kurashi, glad to finally meet you. you’re a hard man to get ahold of. please, take a seat, i’ve got a fair few things to discuss with you today. 


            ronin was still by the door when he was greeted, though he quickly closed a lot of the distance between them. a small smile spread across his face as he held a hand to his chest, " oh -- please, call me ronin. and it's a pleasure to meet you too. i must apologize for how long it took you to book an appointment with me, though. this part of the year is usually an especially busy time for me, " ronin emphasized this through the slightly strained chuckle that left his lips. he'd been to four other appointments that day, back - to - back, and he had another one after this. it seemed like a lot of people waited until it was near the end of the year to settle their legal troubles. ronin sat across from him as requested and nodded, " alright. what would you like to cover first, mister wayne ? you've got me for an hour and a half, so we should be able to get to everything. " 
            // ; i'm so sorry for how late this is !! i haven't had any muse for him for a while, but i just got a sudden surge of inspo for him today 


`           the    joker      stops    the   guy   in    his   tracks     by   bumping   into   him   on   purpose.    "  oh  my   bad.    I  did    that   totally   on  purpose   though  "    he   tips   his   head.    "'  you   look   familiar    /   bat?      Oh,   OH,  OH,   were   you   on  tv?   "        The  Joker  aims   a  finger   at  him   with  a  smile    on  his   lips  .  


            `                           the         madman      raises    an    eyebrow     up    at     the     guy     ,    like       he's    committing   a       crime   .   he     wonders    at    his    words   ,   as   leans   his   body   towards  the   side   slightly.    "   if    you       weren't   flirting   /   it   sure    sounded   like   it,   especially     with   the   checking   me   out    thing  after   ,    warn   a       guy   next time,   will  ya?    "     the    clown    didn't       consider   maybe   the   guy   was  just  being      safe    /     but   the    joker    truly    didn't   care   either.        "  by   the    way  ya'     should     do   it   over.            came   off   a   little   to   nice ,  y'see    ,     you    should   do   sumthin'   like   this.  "     the    joker     catches    the   man   by         what   he   wearing ,   jerking  him    towards  him  ,  "   if   they   don't   let   us  win   this  case   I'll   kill   'em    for   you. "     then  he   let's   him   go   just     like  that.    &   there's   the   biggest  smile   wiped  across   his  features.   "  you're  a   little  heavy ,   y' know?  " 
            he     laughs   into     his   hands    like        that's   dumbest  question   yet  ,    though  it  isn't   if  he  doesn't  know  who  he  is.     he   removes  his  hands  from  his  face.  " I'm  all   in  kind  illegal   troubles   /     but   I'll   come   in    " 


            the first thing that ronin considered whenever he was bumped into is that this person must be in one hell of a hurry -- there was a clear path around him, after all, but they didn't bother with it. then, he saw the strangers green hair, and he felt the need to completely erase the surprise shown on his face. ronin, by means of clearing his throat, found himself about to do this and offered him the slightest smile. nerves of steel, ronin. / nerves of steel / , " not a problem. though there are better ways of getting my attention, you know, " he gave him a quick once - over. no weapons. visible one's, anyway, " oh ? yeah, i was, for a commercial. i've gotta put myself out there if i wanna get any clients; you know ? i've got my own law firm that's just across the way, " he gestured to one of the buildings ahead of them, the earrings he wore dangling in the wind as he tilted his head. where exactly was this going ? ronin genuinely couldn't tell. " are you in need of some legal help, or ... ? " he knew he didn't have to ask that question to the joker, of all people, but old habits die hard. 


wait,   i recognize you!   pretty sure i just passed by one of your billboards.


            " okay, that's fair. i feel like calling you zatanna feels more natural, so i think i'll just go with that. " he nodded in reaffirmation. " it is. i also find it kind of comforting as well, though, to think that we're all part of a larger plan. " ronin only diverted his attention from zatanna for a moment to look down at his watch, noting the time, " oh, yeah. i don't have another appointment for an hour ! we can talk. and to be honest, i probably wouldn't be here if i hadn't met my mentor in law school. he's the real hotshot. but i appreciate the sentiment, " his smile only became wider as he lifted his coffee up in the air as if he was tipping it in respect to her. " ahh, really ? i hope they all said good thing's about me. and even if nothing will become of it, legal consults are never a waste of time to me. because who knows ... you might need the information someday. "
            // ; tyyy ♡  


“ zatanna or just zatara.  miss zatara just doesn’t suit me all that well, ”  it never did.  “ fate is a funny thing,   huh?   always creeping up on you when you least expect it..   and are you sure you have the time?   y’know with you being such a hotshot attorney for a lot of the big cases in gotham city.   i’ve heard quite a bit about you from other people before i saw you on that billboard.  i doubt a case like mine will be of much interest to you,   especially if it’s meritless. ”
            /    dw!!  <3


            " it's a pleasure to meet you too. would you prefer for me to call you zatanna, or miss zatara ? " ronin withdrew his hand from hers shortly after she did, a bit amused by the events she described himself -- which showed in his eyes. they were now crinkled at the edges, " wow. maybe fate is what brought us together, then, because i refuse to believe that all that could be a coincidence. but i disgress ... it sounds like the threat you received could've been meritless. but just in case you want to talk about it, i give everyone one free legal consult, even if you aren't my client ( yet. ) " 
            // ; sorry that i've rewritten this several times ,, i just realized that i messed up my second reply, so this is my final one. i promise (,: 