
It breaks my heart to say this, but I think I've lost my love for writing. I never feel motivated to come up with new ideas for chapters or even short stories. I thought it was a writers block but it's been months since i've actually sat down and started writing. And the idea of doing so doesn't give me that exciting rush I used to get. i don't know what'll happen at this point but I feel useless.


It breaks my heart to say this, but I think I've lost my love for writing. I never feel motivated to come up with new ideas for chapters or even short stories. I thought it was a writers block but it's been months since i've actually sat down and started writing. And the idea of doing so doesn't give me that exciting rush I used to get. i don't know what'll happen at this point but I feel useless.


I have a question for my Queenies who follow me… Should I write a Queen FF? i love Queen sm and i’m kinda in love with making one of the boys ( Roggiein particular ) fall in love with someone. I just need to work on my British lingo because if I’m gonna write about the boys, i’ll want them to sound like… themselves. But yah, what should I do?


Just don’t use yall an itll b fine


Thx for following me ❤


and also, the picture is called a moonicorn


@SnowballBetts you are most definitely welcome ;) Thank YOU for following