
Well how do I say this? Seeing as I am not as enthusiastic as I was in the past about TBATE I think it's time I lay down my pen in writing TBATE fanfics for now. With this I give you all my last gift all of my drafts of my TBATE fanfics, this includes my ideas for book 2 3 and 4 of the hybrid series, 1 crossover series and 1 unpublished series feel free to adopt the idea. And disclaimer all of this was made when my English was shittier than my current one. I'll still try and finish grey though, that's the least I could do for y'all.


@DudeInTheShadows Glad that you will atleast try to finish Grey, one of the best tbate fanfics I have read


Didn't mean to tag myself 


@DudeInTheShadows why y'all thinking this is an adios announcement I just said that I'd stop writing TBATE for a while and I would still try and finish grey, maybe y'all will see other ffs in the future from me or maybe not who knows lmao


Is there any chance that you'll come back? 


@CaeraBurger I see, cause rn I'm doing like HSR, RWBY and some stuff mixed with soul games


@DudeInTheShadows so you'll be publishing other stories but not tbate? Well, if you do, I'll gladly read it


Well how do I say this? Seeing as I am not as enthusiastic as I was in the past about TBATE I think it's time I lay down my pen in writing TBATE fanfics for now. With this I give you all my last gift all of my drafts of my TBATE fanfics, this includes my ideas for book 2 3 and 4 of the hybrid series, 1 crossover series and 1 unpublished series feel free to adopt the idea. And disclaimer all of this was made when my English was shittier than my current one. I'll still try and finish grey though, that's the least I could do for y'all.


@DudeInTheShadows Glad that you will atleast try to finish Grey, one of the best tbate fanfics I have read


Didn't mean to tag myself 


@DudeInTheShadows why y'all thinking this is an adios announcement I just said that I'd stop writing TBATE for a while and I would still try and finish grey, maybe y'all will see other ffs in the future from me or maybe not who knows lmao


I would like to announce that I'll be taking a break from writing that ffs.
          Why? It's because I'm experiencing TBATE burnout. I thought that I could at least write, but nope it proved that it's hard to write something you're currently tired/bored. So with this I announce my hiatus until further notice. 
          I might update/publish ffs outside of the TBATE fandom in the future. Who knows.


@DudeInTheShadows You could take a break as long as you want because of the great stories but dont take 100 years pls i would be dead by then and i wouldnt get to read your amazing work


@DudeInTheShadows Alright dude, I will be waiting for the day you comeback to write a fic, take care my dude


this message may be offensive
Author sama what next is update i just give example if u updte priotize one story to become it not hard to update by the the solo leveling x tbate rewrite is fucking good u become a good writer i still hope when u finish ur work u update solo x tabte first just asking 


Taking a short Hiatus (1 Month) I have a lot of exams upcoming


Good luck on the exams


@DudeInTheShadows good luck for the exams 


@DudeInTheShadows ohh so I can read fanfics without any rush now *sigh* 