
sometimes, I still think about this one Kudo Shinichi (from detective Conan) x male reader story called "sunflowers" that got deleted some--3 years ago. Don't remember the author or why the deleted the story, but DAMN was that the best piece of literature I've ever read, I used to re-read it before my classes and it was the first book I'd constantly check my notifications for. The pacing was flawless. Dunno what the author is doing now but I hope they're doing alright, I miss that book sometimes


sometimes, I still think about this one Kudo Shinichi (from detective Conan) x male reader story called "sunflowers" that got deleted some--3 years ago. Don't remember the author or why the deleted the story, but DAMN was that the best piece of literature I've ever read, I used to re-read it before my classes and it was the first book I'd constantly check my notifications for. The pacing was flawless. Dunno what the author is doing now but I hope they're doing alright, I miss that book sometimes


they way i crave smth to crunch on rn
          lowkey wanna chew on some fries


Now that’s a lil TOO crunchy (・Д・)


@Ducks_our_saviors ok have you ever considered biting into a raw egg


Update: we are unable to acquire the fries  ╥﹏╥


lil rant but why do costume makers perceive every butcher to be incredibly bloody?
          like, im tryna make fanart for an author so I pull up outfit references (things like costumes) but they're all so bloody, it looks like they cut open the rawest steak and the blood splattered all over them-- when in reality, if you search up butchers, they all look pretty clean, for the most part :|


I’m a changed man. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


ngl, everytime i read my old username, i cringed :'|