
Hey guys sorry I haven't said anything and for how long Chapter 8 Part 3 to Murder Drones: The First Ultra Drone is taking. School started a couple weeks ago for me and there's been a lot of irl stuff going on so I haven't had time to write. But I'll be able to write Chapter 8 Part 3 now!


@YusufTA10836 Grade 12. This is my last year as long as I don’t fail any classes


@ DuckRai43437  I graduated this year and teachers even let us cheat in exams so we can study for collage exam only even letting us free in classes we only attended math and literature but I couldnt get in college for surgery pf my foot so I will try again next year 


@ DuckRai43437  good luck with school ! What grade are in ? 


Hey guys sorry I haven't said anything and for how long Chapter 8 Part 3 to Murder Drones: The First Ultra Drone is taking. School started a couple weeks ago for me and there's been a lot of irl stuff going on so I haven't had time to write. But I'll be able to write Chapter 8 Part 3 now!


@YusufTA10836 Grade 12. This is my last year as long as I don’t fail any classes


@ DuckRai43437  I graduated this year and teachers even let us cheat in exams so we can study for collage exam only even letting us free in classes we only attended math and literature but I couldnt get in college for surgery pf my foot so I will try again next year 


@ DuckRai43437  good luck with school ! What grade are in ? 


May I use the version of Cyn in Murder Drones: The First Ultra Drone in my fanfic called Murder Drones: Death Battle?


I’ve completed it. Check it out if you want.


@Zamasu1226    I’ll try to make it somewhat short but also Spoiler alert!
            So Cyn when she was scrapped survived it because of the solver and getting scrapped caused Cyn to develop a strong hatred towards humanity/JcJenson. And the solver knew that as the solver would make a deal with Cyn as the solver would help Cyn destroy earth and humanity if Cyn helps the solver with its goals.
            And everything Cyn did in the original canon still happened but instead she was in control and not the solver. 
            But however she didn’t make the disassembly drones as they have been around for a long time. What Cyn instead did was make a army of J, V and N copies that were disassembly drones and used them to help destroy earth.


@DuckRai43437 Could you give a really short synopsis on Cyn’s origin?


Hey guys I just published a announcement chapter which will most likely be my last or 2nd last one and it’s very important if you read it since it has information about the future for Murder Drones: The First Ultra Drones.
          All though I’ll just give a quick summary in chapter 8 part 1 although it won’t go into a lot of detail since I don’t want to use it to boost my word count by a lot.


Hey guys so I have some very important news and it's that Chapter 10 to Murder Drones: The First Ultra Drone will be the book 1 finale! But don't worry because L's journey is far from over.  As of right now I plan on doing a book 2 and separate book covering L's origins or everything that happened to him before becoming the Ultra Drone. I'm not 100% sure if I'll do a book 3 but it's too early to decide if I will or not.


But I do have to go back to school in a couple weeks so I’m not 100% sure if I’m able to do it or not.


Hey guys so with episode 8 of murder drones coming out in a week I’ll won’t be writing until it comes out since I need to know what Everyone will be actually capable of in the end and what their feats are to make sure I don’t make them too overpowered or under power them. 


And for lore reasons as well


Hey guys how do you feel about the action in story the story? Do you guys like the fighting parts of the story? Or do you want me to do less action? 


I see. Well thanks for the advice!


@DuckRai43437 The way I at-least communicate with my readers is that I set small A/N in between in the Texts sometimes but I sometimes just communicate with my readers by announcements. But if I wanted to get more attention to something like a Vote or Poll, I just set the vote in between the texts in the chapters


@AReaderWhoLovesCats thanks! Also do you know a good way I can communicate better with my readers who aren’t followed to me? I don’t want to just keep publishing a chapter making an announcement since I just feel like that’s a cheap way of boosting views on a story.  