
Hello lovely people, I had to go off unexpectedly. But I'm back! I'd like to thank everyone who followed and commented! ❤️  


I don't care what religion you are. I don't care if your black, white, orange, purple. I don't care what color your hair is if it's long or short, curly or straight nor do I care where you're from. I don't care if we don't have the same tastes in stuff. I don't care if you like guys instead of girls or vise versa or of you like both. I don't give a damn if your big or thin, tall or short. I don't care how you dress. But what I do care about is YOU! Behind the religion, behind the color of your skin, behind everything. I care about you. And people don't say it enough and they just don't care. But I think we all need to know that we are loved behind everything, the make up, because in the end we are ALL beautiful. We've all made mistakes but we also learn from them. I don't care about your past mistakes, because now you're stronger from it. I just like to say, I LOVE YOU! I really do. Even know I don't know you and even though we could be miles and miles apart, I love you. And I hope one day, we can all learn to love one another. I think if I can believe that one day everyone will wake up and see that there is more behind that person next to you. Then I can try and hold on to my little piece of hope for humanity. 
          Please don't bash someone you don't understand. Instead learn from them, you'll be surprised at what you could learn. See life from their point of view.  
          I just want to say it one more time, I love you. And if you ever need someone to talk to PLEASE don't hesitate to talk to me. 
          <3 you all, 


(I have to spilt this message into two pieces because it is a bit long but please read it.)
          I just want to say something to everyone, 
          I'm slowly starting to lose my hope in humanity. It's such a shame that now-a-days it's all about what color or religion or where you're from. Does it really matter? Does it matter what religion you are? Who cares what color you are or where you're from. Why are our friends based on that? In the end aren't we all human? We may be different on the outside but on the inside we are ALL the same. We all have a heart that pumps red blood thru our bodies. We all have two eyes a nose, a pair of lips. Two ears, ten fingers and toes. Does it matter if your big or thin? Tall or short? I have respect for EVER religion. I'm not going to lie, my parents don't believe in being gay but I don't care if you're gay or bio. I have some awesome friends who are both gay and bio. I don't care if you're Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddha or if you have no religion at all. We all have different beliefs instead of bashing the other over them. Why not learn something new? Christians believe Jesus is the son of God, Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet of God not his son. Hindu's believe in a Supreme God called Brahman. And Buddhism is a peaceful way of life.  Why do we let things like religion and the color of our skin get in the way or just loving the person behind all that? I have friends of all religions, my best friend is Muslim and I love her to death. Shes so hyper and fun to be around and she listens so well when you need a friend to just lean on and listen to you. It's sad to see how a lot of people are treated because of their religion. In every religion there are good and bad people, why is it when a bad person does something everyone assumes that the WHOLE religion is bad? Don't bash something you don't understand... And I guess that's just it. We bash something because we don't understand... 


@JustForFun0103 nuuuu!!!!! I just sent a reply but idk if it went thru internet connection is reallllly bad up here. And I forgot to copy it incase it didn't work the first time... T_T so if you DID get my last reply ignore this one and if you didn't then yeah... You know, read it... :P so as I was saying...
          Thank you!! As you can surely see I'm still alive. Me and Death haven't met... Yet... So that party is still on. I've decided (plus everyone else in my family besides one) to sleep in the car. Heh, the tent is uncomfortable and the house is filled with spiders! *shivers* I guess it's to be expected place hasn't been lived in for awhile. We've all agreed to NOT let mom make any last minute trips. That being said I've talked to my mom and we agreed this wasn't exactly the best idea, so tomorrow afternoon we'll be making our way home. (YESSSSS! *pumps fist*) my gadget hasn't broken...yet.. I'd be so sad if it did that's like 75-80 bucks wasted T_T. Well I'm off to try and sleep it's 11pm now. Not looking forward to the 3 hour drive home or the drive off the mountain. If you don't hear from me.... Yeah well I've said it before me and Death have an prior engagement together T_T 
          Night!! <3