
//tableflips at my neglecting to update and continue my story so long that I forgot how to continue where I left where has my writing ideas went off to?? //rereads previous chapters to figure out where I am (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Hey Cooro! It's me @kinkywink from PW : D!!


@PeppermintTwistz hOMHG KINKY SORRY FOR MONTHS OF NOT REPLYING, I havent logged on here since... well, since I replied back X,D RIPP


@PeppermintTwistz  hOMH LATE REPLY, SORRY, BUT HEYY KINKY !! <33


Hey Coroko-senpai~! It's Solar from PW~~


Lmao it was the first squad meme I've ever drawn


That moment when you change your mind to want to become a Paramedic, but also wanting to have writing as a side job because grown-ups say that you won't make much money being a full-time author. I just hope that I'm successful in both!! Finally starting to look for time to writing this chapters, I cri!! I'll probably change my mind about what I want to be though... *sobs* ⁽ƈ ͡ (ुŏ̥̥̥̥םŏ̥̥̥̥) ु


@SilverFox06 AhHH, well maybe :'00 and yeah


@DreamCatcherSpirit like.. shooting victim freshly shot or domestic abuse victim still open and bleeding. it's a lot more nerve wracking to have to handle these types of things outside of a hospital/clinic setting. are you sure you want to be the first person on the scene honey? ;v; ) Between you and me, Doctors and Nurses make more money (we should talk later though because David's father started out as an EMT and worked himself up/went back to school and became a doctor (Though it nearly pushed his family to a divorce and they were literally eating cup ramen because they couldn't afford anything else)


@DreamCatcherSpirit Yo cooro if you're going to be a paramedic you're going to have to deal with some pretty graphic stuff. are you sure you're up for that?


(●´□`)♡ So, hey guys!! I'm working really hard to update these by making a ton of drafting chapters in advance (or trying to, as much as I can (*ノ´□`)ノ~ ), so you'll be able to be updated on "The Seven Rings of Caspian," from now on Biweekly!! ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
          I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I am!! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ♡