
Shubh mahashivratri ✨


सीयावर रामचंद्र की जय
          पवनपुत्र हनुमान की जय
          Shubh deepavali
          सीतापतिरामचंद्रास्त्वया भजन्ति संभ्रमैः
          ये भक्ताः सर्वजनस्ते करुणामयः सर्वः।
          सन्ततं सुखदं वरदं भवभीतिहारकं
          सर्वानुग्रहकारकं सदा प्रणमाम्यहम्॥
          ("O Lord Rama, the compassionate one, the delight of Sita,
          Devotees worship You with great reverence.
          All people, full of devotion, adore You, the embodiment of kindness,
          Bestower of eternal happiness, the dispeller of all fears, and the source of all blessings,
          I bow to You always.")


राधिकायाः प्रेमामृतं महान्तं
          कृष्णस्य साक्षात् रसलीलाविलासम्।
          तं मोहयन्तीं रसपूरितानन्दे
          राधां भजे योऽसौ सखीजनप्रियाम्॥
          (I adore Radha, the beloved of Krishna,
          Whose love is an immense, divine nectar.
          She enchants with her blissful play,
          I worship Radha, dear to the friends of the Lord.)
          Shubha Radha Asthami 


          "विघ्नेश्वराय नमः विद्यानायकाय नमः।
          सर्वकारणाय नमः सर्वमन्त्रप्रवराय नमः।
          सर्वविघ्नहराय नमः सर्वविद्यासु जीवनाय नमः।"
          Shubha Ganesha Chaturthi 
          Ganpati ka jay jay kar 
          Ganpati hai humare Saath 
          ("We offer our salutations to Lord Ganesha, the one who removes obstacles, the bestower of knowledge, the cause of all, the foremost among all mantras, the remover of all hindrances, and the very essence of knowledge itself.”)


Happy birthday to one of my favourite books on Shri Krishna, written by my bestie
          Happy anniversary to KA, may it illuminate the minds and hearts of the readers and bringing the timeless wisdom of the Mahabharata epic to life.May her words inspire and captivate,just as Shri Krishna’s guidance led the way in Mahabharata.
          Love you @krishna-sahacharini 


Tere waaste falak se mai Chand launga \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/*⁠.⁠✧.⁠✧


@keshavputrikeshavika ikr \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/


@-Ankitaa Yaha exam pass karne ke lale pade- xD xD


          My talented friends have organized a thrilling online one-shot contest, and I highly recommend checking it out. This contest is all about writing on the legendary figure, Maha Nayaka Arjuna.
          For those who aren't familiar, Maha Nayaka Arjuna is a compelling character from ancient mythology. His valor, skills, and wisdom make him an intriguing subject for storytelling. Now, it's your chance to showcase your writing prowess and bring Arjuna's tale to life.