
Good day everyone. If you're waiting for chapters then I'm here with news. By the end of next week 3 books will get a chapter.
          	I am also in need of help in warframe. I need someone with access to void and high damage output for defense missions. If possible with the ability to hop into a call in discord. Thank you for your attention.


@Drake00943 Does this also include your ao3 story?


Good day everyone. If you're waiting for chapters then I'm here with news. By the end of next week 3 books will get a chapter.
          I am also in need of help in warframe. I need someone with access to void and high damage output for defense missions. If possible with the ability to hop into a call in discord. Thank you for your attention.


@Drake00943 Does this also include your ao3 story?


Hello Author, hope it reaches you I really love your fanfic. I want to request that if possible can I get permission to use your fanfic for my YouTube video. I'll give all the credits as you want just let me know if you have any conditions. This is the link to my channel https://www.youtube.com/@TheWanderingZoro you can checkout if you wanna know more. I really hope for positive response.


@Drake00943 Sorry for reaching out late, this is my discord: yareyare_deez


@Aditya9310 tell me your discord and we'll talk there


Greetings people. Rejoice for i am back. After being gone for so long i thought that you would forget about me yet i still get many notifications that yall read my books. The reasons for me being gone for so long are: college and family problems(mainly my brother being drafted).  I also have great news for you all. I am coming back and will be continuing posting again. Hope you all aren't too angry at me. And i will be glad to hear from all of you.


@Drake00943 i was worried something happpened......glad to know your alright....take your time my friend ! :)