
So I was just told yesterday that there is a website called Teenfic and there is someone who is personating not only me but also authors here on wattapad. This person has been taking our usernames and stories and claiming them as their own. It's already  bad enough that other authors and YouTubers either take parts of my story or just take them entirely without my permission, but now they are taking not only me but other authors' identity. I know that I Said personally that writing fanfics is just a hobby but I put a lot of time and research into my stories(hence why it takes so long to post a chapter) so for someone to just come along and snag it all away just because they felt like makes me beyond furious. So if anyone of you guts happens to go on that site and see my or other authors stories then most likely it is not us but some imposter posing as us.


@DragongodAstaroth Just saw this and went to check. Wtf, all of my stuff, all my hundreds of hours, just sitting there like I put it there and who this guy is, is just taking credit for all of it. Thanks for shedding light on this.


@DragongodAstaroth  Yea I know that CRGangell Had her Stories Copied like that from Lit.COm. She Moved here after they Failed to stop the Person from stealing From her!!


@DragongodAstaroth both of my stories are on that site???


So I was just told yesterday that there is a website called Teenfic and there is someone who is personating not only me but also authors here on wattapad. This person has been taking our usernames and stories and claiming them as their own. It's already  bad enough that other authors and YouTubers either take parts of my story or just take them entirely without my permission, but now they are taking not only me but other authors' identity. I know that I Said personally that writing fanfics is just a hobby but I put a lot of time and research into my stories(hence why it takes so long to post a chapter) so for someone to just come along and snag it all away just because they felt like makes me beyond furious. So if anyone of you guts happens to go on that site and see my or other authors stories then most likely it is not us but some imposter posing as us.


@DragongodAstaroth Just saw this and went to check. Wtf, all of my stuff, all my hundreds of hours, just sitting there like I put it there and who this guy is, is just taking credit for all of it. Thanks for shedding light on this.


@DragongodAstaroth  Yea I know that CRGangell Had her Stories Copied like that from Lit.COm. She Moved here after they Failed to stop the Person from stealing From her!!


@DragongodAstaroth both of my stories are on that site???


Ok I just wanted to say this so that there is no confusion, but I have completely revamped the first two chapters of Return of the Dragon Slayer due to the fact that I believe that there was a little bit too much from just two chapters alone, as well of course being the whole Fem Vali which I honestly don't why I did it in the first place to be real with you. But the two chapters are relatively the same for the most part, just some dialogue and character changes here and there. But I assure this will be the last time this story will be revamped so everything will go smoothly from here on out. Before you ask...FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT ASK ME WHEN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF ONE OF MY STORIES ARE COMMING OUT, I HAVE A LIFE AND A BUSY ONE, SO BE PATIENT! *sighs* Sorry I had to say that because I have been getting a lot of those comments on both my stories and my profile and it is just getting annoying.  But in order to peek your guys curiosity for the time being...I'm working on the next Chapter of Return of the Dragon Slayer. So yeah, this is your author-sama signing out...*waves* Adios!


@DragongodAstaroth well can blame them for asking when you next stories are coming out? i know you have a life and all but your stories are amazing so that why people ask. that being said i look forward to when you do put more stories out . loking forward to more amzing stories from you


@DragongodAstaroth A double drop within minutes even if it's a revamp I'll take it


@DragongodAstaroth I have a question about High School DxD: Junior High. I looked on Fandom to find out the ages of the main female characters and discovered that they are second years in middle school. Then I found out that the middle school and high school students attend the same academy. Am I mistaken about this?


@NeverIsTheEnd Kuoh Academy has a middle school, highschool, and College Division. Think of it as a large college campus where there are multiple large buildings, you could say that each building represents a education division. The story takes place after Volume 10 so before Shin.


And the summary and Character bio feel like this is before Shin DxD; not the same timeline.


Ok, i know this a little bit out of the blue and a little bit late, but this for my fellow Tensura fans out there and can we all agree that Diablo is the true Demon Butler. I'm but screw Sébastien but Diablo is him, the way he handled the whole falmuth situation was goated. I've heard of some of the things that he has done in the LN to which I'm going to start reading the LN in the near but I just wanted to say this since I know there are a lot Tensura fans in Wattapad.


you have discord since Wattpad will stop having private chat


ok, it's your decision only time will tell


You should since in May you will not be able to speak privately so you have to find a communication platform