
Thank you all for the love and support throughout the years! I'm so glad so many of you have enjoyed Through a Dragon's Eye so much, even as I've stopped updating my other stories. It's been eight years since I started writing on Wattpad, and I'm always floored by the response to stories I wrote so long ago.
          	That being said, I hope you don't mind that I do some shameless promoting. It's long been a goal to combine my passion for storytelling with my other talents, and I've finally done that by starting to create video games. If you're at all interested, I would implore you to check out my itch page camsterdragon.itch.io and take a look at my games. You don't even have to play them, just the views create traffic. 
          	As always, if there are any stories you want me to update (except the finished ones), please let me know: I enjoy writing all the more if I know people enjoy it too. 
          	Happy Summer, hope you all are doing well (:


Thank you all for the love and support throughout the years! I'm so glad so many of you have enjoyed Through a Dragon's Eye so much, even as I've stopped updating my other stories. It's been eight years since I started writing on Wattpad, and I'm always floored by the response to stories I wrote so long ago.
          That being said, I hope you don't mind that I do some shameless promoting. It's long been a goal to combine my passion for storytelling with my other talents, and I've finally done that by starting to create video games. If you're at all interested, I would implore you to check out my itch page camsterdragon.itch.io and take a look at my games. You don't even have to play them, just the views create traffic. 
          As always, if there are any stories you want me to update (except the finished ones), please let me know: I enjoy writing all the more if I know people enjoy it too. 
          Happy Summer, hope you all are doing well (:


Hey everyone! It's been a bit, hasn't it? The next few days, I'm going to massively change up my account and separate it into two separate accounts (here now rebranded to @draconapuella and the new @camsterdragon account). This account will primarily be for fanfictions. But, as most of my other stories haven't gotten much attention here, I'm going to be moving them to my new account along with some newbies that I've been wanting to share for a while now. 
          Bear with me as I make the transition because both accounts might be a little messy for a while. But soon, I'll be updating my stories once again.
          (Also, wow, you guys really love TADE, huh?)
          - The Dragon Girl


Hello everyone! It's the month of November which means I'm writing my yearly 50k word book. This year's addition is titled "I Have Said," and the first few chapters are already up! If you're interested in starting late to the challenge or trying it out next year, go to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) Challenge's website to check out their resources. I recommend it for budding writers.
          Stay safe, stay healthy!