
I'm too dehydrated to cry, someone buy me a powerade.


          Thank you not only for following me and becoming a Twitling, but being my first ever follower. After all I've achieved this year, it means a lot to me.
          Thank you ALSO for all the amazing comment you posted on Just a Number earlier in the year, I was having a rough time at that point and they really did cheer me up.
          2015 has been an amazing year for me, and I'm sure you being here with your comments has had a part to play in it.
          Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
          ~Lexie :3 xoxox


@DovahZoriik I wish you the best too! You deserve it! 


@twitface99 Wow, I have no words! (Continues to say many words) This message really means a lot to me, thank you! 
            I had no idea that I was your first follower, or even that my comments cheered you up. But if I did actually make you feel a little better, even once, than that's amazing, because the only thing I want to do with my life is to help other people, even it's just a small bit. :) 
            2015 has truly been great for me too, one of the best. Most of what made it great was my friends, AND the people that I met along the way of dealing with my anxiety. I won't go into this, but I only have fond thoughts of you and your writing. Every comment you left lifted my spirits, even if I was sad, so thank you too. :) 
            Merry late-Christmas, and Happy New Year, I wish you the best!