
Muahaha. New It's Death Or Victory. WITH A CLIFFHANGER!! AHHAHAHAHHAHA


So like....
          Would anyone judge me if I start using He/Him pronouns....


@Kalayabuscus You think so? I just thought I should send it out there.. just In case anyone would.


Heyo you guys! Couple things:
          1: Sorry for not posting much. Tumblr has consumed my life with Danger Days and feels.
          2: I may or may not delete a few stories. I dunno. We'll see!
          3: I'm thinking of rewriting It's Death Or Victory with the same plotline, same characters, but updated facts and different ships (as I no longer ship Kobra Cola) Until then, I will be focusing on other stories I haven't updated since nom.
          Thanks for reading!
          - Dorykoalafantastic :)


IMPORTANT NEWS: I have finally decided to delete Fandom and Bandom House. To me, it was more of a story to update just whenever I felt like updating. There wasn't any plot, or it was just all over the place, and I didn't really like how I put my friend and I in it. To be honest, I wish I didn't write it at all and that people would just forget about it. I'm not going to give up writing Fanfiction, though, just that one in particular. Thanks for reading it while it lasted, though. My friend, Kalayabuscus, has her own version on that that's better than mine. Don't be sad. I'll keep writing other stories. ;)


@Kalayabuscus I know. I just didn't really CONNECT with it anymore, and in order for me to write a story, I have to really like the subject and plot I'm working on. Besides, I will have Camp Fandom!


So guys...whatdoyouthinkaboutmystories,Iamsopumpedroghtnow!! Sorry, I just get really write happy. By the way, sorry I haven't been posting to Fandom and Bandom House, I was working on my other story The Death Of Party Poison: Revenge. But I will post soon! Bali!