
Welp! I have writer’s block and I don’t know how or when I can get my motivation back but I need and want to write so bad! I have to feel something again. Any positive words that can get me going?
          	(Also I’ll try to find other ways to get it back, but I need to get out of this writer’s block pretty badly)


As a person who loves watching Disventure Camp, I like every character equally. Except Yul, despite having his moments, I do not tolerate bodyshaming his own girlfriend. His actions by far annoy me and the only character I hope has his downfall.
          For context, Disventure Camp is a fan series made by Odd Nations Cartoons. It was inspired by the Survivor series with a little Total Drama Artstyle. I started watching it in 2022 and I love it. Currently on the new season, so feel free to check it out. I honestly don’t care who wins I’m just here to see how the characters will grow in the story. But… there are a lot of fans who are either die hard Stans or very much slander on some characters. It’s good to hear people’s opinions, but sometimes they go a bit too far. 
          Anywho that’s all, and if you want to watch it it’s free to watch on YouTube, but if you do get into it, be wary of leaks because for the past couple of months they’ve had leaker problems. Don’t know how bad the situation is now but I’m sure it’s over with. Take care everyone!


We’re only a couple days away from MerMay! As promised, I promise to publish the whole story of my Ao3 version of the Merman from Ashore on here on Wednesday! I really really hope that I’ve improved since I first started writing and I hope you all enjoy this. I’ve immediately decided to publish it all at once when it’s time for it to be released!


Heads up! Since the Ao3 version from the new and improved version of the Merman from Ashore will be released next Wednesday, there’s some bonus content that I implore you read because they add up to the events during or what will happen before the next chapter start. While also implying future events coming soon in the story. I’ll say this again when I start releasing the story next Wednesday! See you then!


          Fun fact: If I’m desperately trying to complete a chapter that’s between 4K to 5K words it takes me four hours to write that long of a chapter! That’s crazy…
          So does that mean we’ll—
          Only in due time, only in due time there will be another chapter to “Why is Love so Complicated?”
          The thing is as soon as I finish the chapter, I have to unpublish a couple of my stores because I need to fix some mistakes that some of you readers have pointed out. When I write some of my stories, I usually write them at night(which, I don’t recommend) and there were some things that I wrote that didn’t make sense or were just very corny. The only one I’m not changing is the merman au one because next month on the first of May you’ll get the Ao3 version on here. I know that I said I would post exclusively on Ao3, but I’m posting them on here as backups for whenever ao3 is down.
          Keep an eye out for anything that I may do because April is going to be one hell of a busy month for me.


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            The Selkie Boy 
            The Selkie Boy is in your reading list.


Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I meet a character named Zane who has ice powers, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?


@Doodlewritez04 oh, i see. Still quite peculiar.... but cool :)))


@Zalixx333 One of them spell their names differently but it’s still bit guys who are named Zane and they both have ice powers


@Zalixx333 I watch Ninjago and play a game called Love and Deepspace there are characters with a same name, though spelled differently, but they both have ice powers this came to my mind so yeah