Can anyone condense their life story into 2000 characters? Especially a writer? 
I was born a poet--can't remember a time when I didn't have words in my head. Which sounds psychotic--except to other writers. I also have written non-fiction. And I have completed and self-published 1 novel, with another "on the way." (for some time. I am also a horrible procrastinator-thus the reason why this profile has taken 2 years!)
I love to laugh and have a quick wit (I am told). I have almost no filter between brain and tongue which, as you can imagine, leads to trouble sometimes (far less frequently than I deserve, admittedly).
I was born in NY and lived for most of my life in a small cow-town. When I was 39, I packed (stuffed) all my belongings, including 2 cats, in my tiny car and went west to Colorado.
I met my husband there and made lots of friends. Life was good but we longed for adventure.
So in December 2014 my husband and I packed (stuffed) our two cars and along with our cat Koa and our Chihuahua Jack, came to Mesa AZ to start a whole new adventure! We wanted someplace there was no snow. When people hear where we moved, they shake their heads and say "yes but have you ever been there in the summer?" To which I always respond, "Yes. And you know what? No matter how hot it gets, you never have to shovel!"
That's me - smarta** extraordinaire! Well--better a smart-a** than a dumb one, I always say!
For a sampling of my writing, feel free to stop by my blog "The Search for Intelligent Life."
Nice to meet y'all!
  • Mesa, Arizona
  • CsatlakozvaJune 10, 2012

Story by Donna Wylie
Random Ramblings in Rhyme by DonnaWylie
Random Ramblings in Rhyme
If you would know the poet, read her verse