
I'm happy that my class has air-conditioner BUT I'VE BEEN ON THIS CHAIR FOR HOURS AND DIDN'T LEARN ANYTHING!!! well I'm a first year in this new school tbh. I'm far away from my hometown 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。


@Dollykomkom youre so real for that


I’m sorry to inform you all this very late cause I’m on hiatus for probably 4-7 years? Depends if I have free time since I’ll be away from home for 4 years due to studying somewhere far from my home but still in the country. So maybe once I’m free as a bird I might write again


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I know I haven't write anything these days. Cause I wanted to relax for probably 3 months because I might not gonna be on my phone a lot since I'm still busy doing school works and shit and I'm gonna be away from home for like..... 5 days every week so ye... There's not gonna be update after 2 days probably 1 each months idk


At 10 am I'm going to an anime event in Malaysia with my kaveh cosplay, since I already had a game cosplay I decided to save my money to buy wig supplies as a b-day gift (yes your gurl still hadn't bought anything for her own b-day that's already past weeks ago) I actually wanted to buy a heel but I change my mind and I'm planning to save for krull and Navia.... Hell it's gonna be hard ironing their clothes ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ