
Hey guys! First, I'm sorry I haven't added anything to the sequel of Monster Beneath the Surface. On top of technical problems, school, and just the fact that I haven't had any inspiration, I going to take a break from that story. I want to write things I actually like, and not just post stuff to be popular or to get views. That said, I will be coming back to this! In the mean time, I'm going to be working on an old project of mine called, Golden Waves, another Solangelo AU. I started it a while ago and have recently picked it up and began writing it again. It's about mermaids, and pirates, and all that stuff, so if you like things like that, I definitely consider it! The first eight chapter should be up soon, so if you want, check it out! Thank you all so much for understanding!


@ShadowBookworm11 thank you so much! That means a lot <3


I love Golden Waves!!


Hello! I was wondering if you!re still online and was going to continue making  the sequel to monster beneath the surface? I really really loved the book and I was womdering if you were still working on it or ?


@ThegayLemon12  yeah but its been like, 2 years now


1) Close your left hand
                    2) Find the one different number
                    3) Make two wishes
                    4) Send this to fifteen different people
                    5) After sending, open your hand and look at it!


This was posted on my conversation wall and it said to send it to everyone I care about and so I'm sending it to all my known readers because I care about you and love that you read my stories :)
          Read it all.
          I mean it.
          If you were killed, I wouldn’t be at your funeral.
          I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends
          We ride together, we die together.
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me, if you care.
          See how many times you get this.


Got this on my message board so I'm sending it to some of my readers cause I love ya!
          I sent an Angel to watch over you yesterday, but they came back. I asked them "Why?", and they chuckled. "Angels don't watch over other Angels." Twenty Angels are in your world, ten of them are sleeping, nine of them aren't, and one of them is reading this message. The universe has seen you struggling with some days- it's over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in Karma, send this to fourteen of your friends, including me. If I don't get this back, I'm not one of them, I suppose. As soon as you get give back, someone you love will quietly surprise you... I promise. Pass this message on and don't ignore it. You are being tested. Karma is going to fix two things tonight in your favour. If you believe in Karma, drop everything and pass this on. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. Send this to fourteen friends in ten minutes, it's not that hard. Whoever sends this to you must care about you...