
The cover of “Give Me One Reason” is the best hand porn in history!! There are all kinds of reasons that video is  as hell, but in addition to his voice, I could seriously mute that and just watch his beautiful, beautiful hand and be unconscious by the end.


Completed Avi fanfix guide and just posted in AviGC. Hopefully it will help us all. Feel free to support if so inclined.


So I came up with a possible idea of how to publicize my work without outing myself on Twitter. I thought I would write a general guide to Avi fanfic and post it to the Avi GC only.  Below is a sample of what it would look like. Please let me know if I have anything wrong regarding your work. Also, please let me know if you’d rather have me publish on Thursdays instead of Tuesdays so I’m not going “before” you. I’ve been reading you since the very beginning, and we all have to help each other out!  
          I just thought it would be nice for readers to have:
          Tuesday—me (every other Tuesday)
          Friday—DesirahKordovah (heard she’s moving)
          Saturday—Shelly Keller
          That way there will only be one day off at a time. If I published on Thursdays instead, that would leave two out of three days with nothing on Sunday through Tuesday.
          Avi or Avi-centric fanfic with publication days (including NSFW/smut warnings)
          MONDAYS—JSBARR (X, frequently NSFW) Avi is in long, committed relationship with Lizzie throughout numerous books, currently engaged and in wedding prep with her
          TUESDAYS—AVRIELLE77 Dragon’s Delight: One Shots (X, always NSFW) Avi in committed couple with endless smut
          WEDNESDAYS—DNGERGRRL Divine Intervention (sometimes NSFW) Avi and Rae meet in the mountains, meet his parents, and become a couple; Divine Intervention: One Shots (X, almost always NSFW) same couple in sexy one shots; Thanksgiving (sometimes NSFW) same couple, more story-based with sexy vignettes 


@Avrielle77 that sounds good to me. Either Tues or Thurs is fine with me.
जवाब दें


Hope that someone will one day enjoy my work as much as I do yours!


@Avrielle77 it's pretty good. a little rough in places, but it just takes some work. keep at it
जवाब दें


Um, yeah, so published my first 2 one shots. I wish there were some way to “advertise” among Avi fans without outing myself. I would never be bold enough to post on Twitter even under a pseudonym because I also exist under my real name there, and I have people who follow me on Twitter who are IRL friends or acquaintances. How did you get readers among Avi fans (people who are really in the fandom as opposed to random people clicking around Wattpad) when you first started publishing?


Wow, this week has really taken a turn. Did not foresee myself as a smut writer 7 days ago!
जवाब दें


@Avrielle77 depending on what your Twitter handle is, you could always tweet, hey check out this story I just read...with the link...just a thought. also make sure to utilize the #'s. that will draw in readers based on what they are looking for
जवाब दें


Do you know yet if there will be an update this Wednesday?


@Avrielle77 I am hoping, but I have been incredibly busy lately. So I am not going to day yes and disappoint, but I am not committing to no either.
जवाब दें


Hooray, smut!!!


What can I say? You know me well!
जवाब दें


I, too, wish to know more about the mindblowing sex!


As to skipping over smut, I’m deprived and depraved.


@Avrielle77 it happens. I promise it'll be really good next time
जवाब दें


Love this new chapter so very much! I already sent it to someone and she greatly enjoyed it as well!


@Avrielle77 Thank you. And thank you for sharing my work
जवाब दें