
Idk if anyone will see this but Uhh.. Theres this glitch (?) that's been annoying and confusing me for a while. Is there two 'tour Time Part 2' chapters. Identical? I think it only showing up for me. I unpublished it and published it again and it won't go away?
          	It's saying I have 7 chapters up but rlly I only wrote 6????????¿????sorry if I'm being annoying but I'm just confused if it's ony showing up for me.
          	Anyways.. Have a nice day


Idk if anyone will see this but Uhh.. Theres this glitch (?) that's been annoying and confusing me for a while. Is there two 'tour Time Part 2' chapters. Identical? I think it only showing up for me. I unpublished it and published it again and it won't go away?
          It's saying I have 7 chapters up but rlly I only wrote 6????????¿????sorry if I'm being annoying but I'm just confused if it's ony showing up for me.
          Anyways.. Have a nice day


Uh.. So I don't usually talk much on here but I rlly need someone to help me with my tsuchako fanfic. As in to make sure I don't make any plot holes and to help me sharpen the idea I have fro the plot. Also to give me criticism when needed.
          Ik I don't have many fans, let alone ppl willing to do smt like this. But message me on insta @diz_diz8 or on here if ur interested. 


Thx for the votes on my book, I apreciate it ^^


@DizzyFog aww thank you sm!


@-_Lenn_- djdusiwiqjq they were all great so I h a d to vote ye know? Np tho uwu


thanks for all of the support on my story & welcome to wattpad! let me know if you've got any questions.


Of course :D


@Swoopsietheowl oh thank you, it's rlly no problem! 