
late thingy but like to the guy who just followed me, please note you're probably the first follower I've had in maybe a year or two


Hello, followers!
          I'm aware I've done nothing for 3 months now. But, it's about the cancellation of the other book I was working on. For one, I've decided that I'm going to finish what I've started. I hope you enjoy the finish project, I just simply couldn't not finish it.


Hello everybody. I have two announcements to make. Number one; thank you all for getting Visions to 300+ reads. That's another milestone I have achieved. Despite that success, I have decided to cancel that series, in exchange for something which will be more planned and prepared. You could consider Visions a sort of way to occupy my time during this pandemic. I hope you all support my decision to create a new series, which will be fairly different from what I've written so far.


Just published a book I've been working on for some time today. I hope you guys enjoy it! :D