
So I unpublished "I Hear Voices" because I didn't have any ideas for it. I just didn't see the story going anywhere so I decided to just a stop it. If you liked the story, thank you for reading. I'm sorry that it has come to this. I just felt like it was the right thing to do instead of keeping people waiting for a new chapter that would never be written. I hope you all understand. Thanks for all the support! 


So I unpublished "I Hear Voices" because I didn't have any ideas for it. I just didn't see the story going anywhere so I decided to just a stop it. If you liked the story, thank you for reading. I'm sorry that it has come to this. I just felt like it was the right thing to do instead of keeping people waiting for a new chapter that would never be written. I hope you all understand. Thanks for all the support! 


Thank you for the follow, please check out my books, don't forget to vote, comment. Thank you very much..... Love you


@Isaac_Rapozo Np and I look forward to reading your books. I'm sure i'll enjoy them☺❤


Dear anyone reading this,
          I just wanted to tell y'all to follow your dreams because they will come true.
          Yesterday, I got my acceptance letter for high school and I got into Frank Sinatra School of the Arts High School.
          When I opened up that letter, I was so determined that I would not get into that school. But I did.
          Set goals for yourself because you will achieve them. And follow your dreams because they will come true. If you like to run, then run! If you like to sing, then sing! If you like to write, then write! And if you like to draw like me, then draw!!!
          Never stop trying and never give up. I want you all to believe in yourself. I didn't believe that I would get into that school but I fricken did! And I am so fricken proud of myself!
          With hard work and dedication, you will accomplish your goals and your dreams will come true. Just put your everything into what you love doing because it will take you somewhere great. If you believe in yourself, you will make it big in this world. 
          Everyone is special and everyone has a talent. The world wants to see you shine! So never doubt yourself or say that you are not good enough because you sure as hell are!
          I hope you have a good day/night depending on where you live and please take my words into consideration. I know that you all will make it big in this world. 
          Stay positive and never ever stop dreaming.


@Divergent041 congratulations!!!! Best of luck for the future and thankyou for the message!:-)