
hi ♡ 
          	Truth be told, I haven’t written this whole time I have been away. 
          	I know most of you are hoping for updates on the books and I’m sorry. Hopefully I will be able to do so quite soon. 
          	Thank you for all the votes, reads and comments that all of you have left while I was logged off, your kind words have motivated me to carry on writing. 
          	Updates will be slow but I will be trying my best into posting  more often. Once again, thank for your patience! 
          	Love you all!!! ♡ ♡ ♡ 


@DisappearingWriter take ur time it’s fine ^^


@bokutoesFrostedTips I’ve been resting for some time but thank u for waiting! I will try to update soon! <3 


U got the best muslim fan fics ngl i miss u 


@hange_mylove same i still check once in a while to see if she updated


hi ♡ 
          Truth be told, I haven’t written this whole time I have been away. 
          I know most of you are hoping for updates on the books and I’m sorry. Hopefully I will be able to do so quite soon. 
          Thank you for all the votes, reads and comments that all of you have left while I was logged off, your kind words have motivated me to carry on writing. 
          Updates will be slow but I will be trying my best into posting  more often. Once again, thank for your patience! 
          Love you all!!! ♡ ♡ ♡ 


@DisappearingWriter take ur time it’s fine ^^


@bokutoesFrostedTips I’ve been resting for some time but thank u for waiting! I will try to update soon! <3 