
It suck that you lost your passion of writing but you were always an amazing author


@DioMcBrando it's ok don't worry about it just take as much time you need to finish the books you are working on and remember to take break every now and then and don't overwork yourself


@chetor2005 Thank you very much, I'll be honest I've always felt I've gone downhill since the end of my female jotaro book. But I promise ill update and finish as many books that I can until I finish my last one. So I can leave you guys with as much as I can


So- here an update. Before I stop updating, I do have inspiration for one more JoJo book. Based during part 5. 
          Would you guys like me to release it for you and see how you guys like it? If you guys don't really care for it, then I'll focus on just finishing one of my current books before I go. 
          But if you guys want the part 5 book, then I'll focus on that one and finish it. What do you guys think?


@DioMcBrando sounds like a great idea to do part 5.