
New work coming 2024?!??


Hi! How are you? I hope you're doing fine! Please if you have time, take a look at my first fanfiction! It would be nice if you could share your thoughts and feedback! Thank you so much, and I'm sorry if I disturbed you! Have a good day 


finished my first story!!!!


sorry ive been gone for so long everyone
          This month has especially been so busy and stressful as this month i have a total of ten big exams and I've only had two of them so far and two of them this week. Kinda crying inside because this is my bday month and I was hoping for a teensy tiny break, but as a bio major... that's not how it works :(((( 
          Im working on the Jake ff at the moment, but it's been going slow, however I want to let everyone know that that story is coming to an end soon :))) 
          Don't worry though I have another story coming up as well, but it's just been so hard because I've been so busy. I understand if you want to stop reading my books, as my schedule is so just so unpredictable, but for everyone who has stayed i love you more than words can express and I owe you all a lot. 
          Anyways thats all for me as of now! Happy October!


@DimpleChamber5 Heyyyy. I'm sorry things are so stressful, I hope everything works out and that you ace your exams. I know you can do it and I believe in you!!!! Also why would I stop reading your book? Yes I know that the  updates might be slow but it's completely understandable, you have other things going on in your life which means you can't update as frequently and that's totally okay. It's just a book and you can take as much time as you need. Also happy early birthday!!! I hope that you're birthday goes well, that you have fun and that you get the break that you deserve!!!! <3




@DimpleChamber5 @twentycube  AHHHHH 2 OF MY FAV AUTHORS INTERACTING WHAT?????




Making a comeback soon with a new chap give me a weeks time❤️


@DimpleChamber5 It's okay, I completely understand. College can be very stressful and having to worry about updating as well is even more pressure. Staying healthy is what's most important so take your time and don't rush


@AakifahJacobs_ I missed you too sorry for being so inconsistent :(( My college just started but im a bio major and i literally had to write twelve pages of hw on the first day it's just gotten worse >O< BUT ILYYY


@DimpleChamber5 AHHHH I'M SO EXCITED. I can't wait for you to come back, I missed you


Hi everyone!!! To be honest Ive been dealing with a lot on my plate and my emotions have been on such a rollercoaster! I know I dont have many readers or a lot of true friends on this app but for those who have been there supporting me and just always being there for me i love you guys so much 
          Ive just finished my study abroad and im trying to sort out my emotions as so much has happened during my 6 weeks studying abroad and tomorrow i start my job so everything has just been so jammed packed i want to apologize for not being able to update even though i had promised more than a month ago. Again its just been so hard bc in real life and online its hard for me to tell whos my friend and those who feel obligated and it has really taken a toll on my mental health. I hope this offends no one im just trying to express how i feel. To the girlie whos constantly on my message board and leaving me messages (yk who u r) i love you and thank u for not forgetting me. 
          I promise to update as soon as my emotions are more stable then now, but for now im on a mental break. Please do feel free to send me messages privately, in my works, or on my message board. I will try to respond as fast as i can. One promise i swear i to fulfill is to come back with full updates feeling better and stronger. I know this message is really long and not everyone will read all of it but for those who did stay till the end i really do appreciate you and hope you are well. :) 
          Until next time <3


@DimpleChamber5 don't worry about us, we completely understand. Take your time, there's absolutely no rush at all. Work and focus on yourself first, your mental health is more important than anything else. I'm so proud of you for completing your studies, it must've been hard but you got through it right? Just like how you'll get through this. Do not at all feel pressured to update, I'm here waiting and I'm not going anywhere. If you ever need someone to speak to I'm here. I hope you have a good day at your new job tomorrow, I'm rooting for you!!! I love you and stay healthy <3


the way my eyes are so puffy from crying please why is everything so inconsistent like one day is good and the next isnt love life anyways someone plz let me know how to depuff after a good cry‍‍‍ i was supposed to meet up with ppl but when i cry a lot the next day i wake up and my face is awful so if yall have tips PLZ HELP


@AakifahJacobs_ ahhh i literally love you it was just a disagreement with someone i had and it blew up out of context but im okay now


@DimpleChamber5 obviously you don't have to tell me what happened if you don't want to. I understand that I'm not someone who's that close to you and you wouldn't be comfortable sharing it with me but just know that I'm here if you ever want to talk. Things will get better and I'm sure you have people with you who will help you get through it. I'm here if you ever need someone to speak to<3