
Wattpad won't let me access in of my other accounts. And if I long out of this one, it does the same unless I reinstall the app. Is anyone having this problem?


@Digital_Happiness oh.. im sorry to hear that.. try writing a review on the app store/ reporting the incident. 


          	  I managed to get one account but I can't get my others




Wattpad won't let me access in of my other accounts. And if I long out of this one, it does the same unless I reinstall the app. Is anyone having this problem?


@Digital_Happiness oh.. im sorry to hear that.. try writing a review on the app store/ reporting the incident. 


            I managed to get one account but I can't get my others


I'm back


            Shadys back, tell a friend 


Ok, so I'm going to be gone for a week. A lot due to me and my family are going on vacation. But also a lot of it is for me cause I need to move on from some things and fix some things. I don't expect anyone to actually understand, that's ok cause it doesn't really need to be understood. I'm leaving at 6 pm my time. Which is in 4 hours. So within that time, say what you need to say to me. All I ask is that you not try to convince me to stay. I made up my mind and that isn't gonna change. I hope everyone is doing well and if not, I hope it gets better.
          Make sure you:
          Eat 3 meals a day
          Drink enough water
          Say something good about yourself everyday (if you can't then no pressure)
          Stay strong
          Think of the good things
          And never, ever, let someone tell you that you can't do something
          (These things are for any and everyone who feels they need it)
          For those of you who worry and feel like I'll do something bad or worse, just know that it'll be okay, it might not feel like it but it will be. And finally, to all the people that I've hurt, angered, lost their trust, wasn't a good friend to, I want you all to know that I am truly sorry for everything I've done. And ik one apology won't fix it all but this is just a start. Small steps, big outcomes. Someone really special to me taught me that small steps are everything. I just hope I can be as good of a friend as she deserves.
          Goodbye everyone❤


@Digital_Happiness ah, well I'll try to be safe