
 D-Diana is alive? And writing again, what a surprise…how strange…Jr high to Uni and still here? Lol…


@niggaur possibly the craziest Notif I’ve gotten 


 D-Diana is alive? And writing again, what a surprise…how strange…Jr high to Uni and still here? Lol…


@niggaur possibly the craziest Notif I’ve gotten 


As I rewrite and fix plotholes within VinceZ I want everyone to love it and make sure everyone understands this story I have been moulding for months. 
          I'm not sure how soon it'll be but perhaps near July? And I cant promise anything but maybe JUST MAYBE one last extra chapter for C.C. since y'all always be asking


 Y’all got an unfinished book to 65k I am forever greatful I love you guys for real Writing is more than my passion but it’s my safe space! 
          Hopefully VinceZ will be sooner than I anticipate 


@Noxooki NO  PLEASE no one was raped at all during the book 


@DianaSeada omigoh! so u alive .o. HURAY MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soo.... did denki rp3d us when we was drunk?..


Is C.C that good??? *pretend there’s a crying emoji here* I’ll need to re read it, truthfully I only remember bits and pieces. 


it was such a masterpiece 


@DianaSeada Yes Its one of the best books I've read here on wattpad


Once I’m done around three more Chapters I’ll put up VinceZ. 
          Y’all have no idea, the past few months it’s all I could think about. The tiniest idea I write it down somewhere whether it being my notes or google docs- even paper?! Like I am so interested in this book and a lot of you already enjoyed my writing and I’m having high hopes that since I have so many people supporting and reading my books you’d also give a shot at this! :)) oh yeah dub. 
          Hopefully in the next few weeks.
          Diana Out nyehehe. 


@DianaSeada I'm glad, can't wait!!


I know it’s been nearly a year without me trying to update or even go near C.C but as time comes it’s time that I finally say it’s discontinued. Before I was hopeful I’d pick it up but now I feel refreshed finally getting this off of my chest. 
          Though that’s not all, maybe in the next month or two I’ll upload a real book, one I have been wanting to write my self for years. And I finally am finding my self to do it. Of course you all aren’t obligated to reading it but if you could give it a chance when it comes time for me to upload a chapter. Everyone here is the reason I still write feeling motivated by comments and kind words so thank you everyone! :D 
          -Diana Hehe 


@DianaSeada I'm glad you feel relieved! Good luck and thank you for C.C.! 