
The sequel to A Real Mother is being thought about and once I have the story in my mind and where I want to go with it I'll start writing it. I don't know what I want to do with the sequel yet, so it may take time. But i am thinking about what to do.


@DiamondAuthority43 YES! Thank you so much for continuing this godsend of a story! Take as much time as you need.


The sequel to A Real Mother is being thought about and once I have the story in my mind and where I want to go with it I'll start writing it. I don't know what I want to do with the sequel yet, so it may take time. But i am thinking about what to do.


@DiamondAuthority43 YES! Thank you so much for continuing this godsend of a story! Take as much time as you need.


Hey everyone, just wanting to let you know that the reason why the Yandere Blue Diamond story isn't being updated is because my girlfriend is having major back problems and we're trying to get this sorted first. Until her back is better, the story won't be updated. We're both really sorry for the long wait.