
          	There was someone that asked me specifically to let them know when HINL was finished but I can't seem to remember who that was. So here is a broadcast in case the person is following me. Also in case anyone else was waiting for it to end to read it.
          	Love you guys.


Hey,just want to know if you're going to make a sequel for "Waiting for you" because I really really like the way the story goes and I can kind of relate to the main character and so I'm curious to know how Samantha's life turns out to be.I read the story some years ago but I still go through it even now. That's how much I love the story. You gave the perfect definition of miserable,the worst thing that can happen to a human. Please do make a sequel for it if you can. Thank you 


          There was someone that asked me specifically to let them know when HINL was finished but I can't seem to remember who that was. So here is a broadcast in case the person is following me. Also in case anyone else was waiting for it to end to read it.
          Love you guys.


Hey guys, I'll take at least another week to update. I'm in the middle of finals and I have two ten-page essays to write, and have to explain in two pages, with my one words, what a literary genre is. All to be done within the next week.
          I'm really sorry, please be patient.


Since I'm recently a new follower of you and your stories. Could I ask you a quick question, do you have an update schedule or do you just update when you can? I'm reading the second book of Tainted(already read the first which was amazing BTW ) I just got done with the 22 chapter. So that's my question lol


@bookworm_mom go check the new chapter :3


I am so very sorry for not updating on time. I'm having some problems in my house and with my transportation and I'm currently staying most of my time at my boyfriend's, which means I don't have my laptop. I should be updating sometime this week, I think around Thursday or so the chapter should be up. Again I'm very sorry.


By the way, just a little poll for personal purposes only.
          When it comes to literature, what do you consider fiction? Would you consider LTTS, HINL, and Beautiful as fiction?


@otaku4729 I agree with you, completely. But I've just been wondering because I got called square minded for thinking that most of the books under the sun are fiction :c It really made an impact on me (I don't really consider myself square minded and pride myself on saying I'm pretty open about stuff), so I've been asking around for a while now.


@DesyreMe There are multiple categories that fall under fiction;  Science fiction, fantasy, and even most romance stories are considered fiction. Unless the story is, without a doubt, based on real events either from the writer's life or someone the writer knows, then it is fiction. Non-fiction is more along the lines of auto/biographies, informational books and other such things


@otaku4729 Interesting reply. I agree with you. I think that anything that isn't a fact or based on real events is fiction. But I have encounter people that happen to believe that fiction is not about the people in the story, but the setting as such. So if the book happens in America, on any normal street, on any normal year, with characters that have no magical powers or anything abnormal so to speak who coul actually exist, it's not fiction. Because the country exists, the street, and even the people on it may exist. So for example, LTTS would be fiction because the country, states, cities, towns, streets, and everything else in it, don't actually exist. But Beautiful wouldn't be fiction, because my character could actually exist. What do you think of this?
            By the way, thanks a lot for answering my poll :3