
So, after a long time, I am here to let you know that I would really like to continue the fanfiction I was working on, but first I will read through it and edit it out in Microsoft Word and then republish it. It will take some more time... but I want to make a really great story. 
          	I will probably be taking Brenna out of it (and maybe later on making her a story of her own, maybe) and tweeking the settings a bit. Making the plot easier to follow and just making the overall story better and easier to read. I really hope that you guys will forgive me for letting this story go.


@DerpyDorks Hey you guys, I lost access to this account since I haven't been on in so long. Its been a whole year! I apologize for disappearing and I hope I didn't disappoint any of you by not working on my fanfiction. I lost a lot of motivation to write, I know that isn't a proper excuse, but I do sincerely apologize!
          	  I still have it saved on my computer, so I will work on that, as well as other stories I started. I want to create a story people can truly enjoy! I am a bit too hard on myself, so I hope you guys can bear with me... xoxo!


So, after a long time, I am here to let you know that I would really like to continue the fanfiction I was working on, but first I will read through it and edit it out in Microsoft Word and then republish it. It will take some more time... but I want to make a really great story. 
          I will probably be taking Brenna out of it (and maybe later on making her a story of her own, maybe) and tweeking the settings a bit. Making the plot easier to follow and just making the overall story better and easier to read. I really hope that you guys will forgive me for letting this story go.


@DerpyDorks Hey you guys, I lost access to this account since I haven't been on in so long. Its been a whole year! I apologize for disappearing and I hope I didn't disappoint any of you by not working on my fanfiction. I lost a lot of motivation to write, I know that isn't a proper excuse, but I do sincerely apologize!
            I still have it saved on my computer, so I will work on that, as well as other stories I started. I want to create a story people can truly enjoy! I am a bit too hard on myself, so I hope you guys can bear with me... xoxo!


I havent been on wattpad in ages. I damn near forgot about it to be completely honest with you. I dont think about writing anymore, in fact, I don't write at all. But hell knows I want to. Inspiration is non existent. My head is swimming with stressful worries and I forget everything else. I'm sorry. I really truly am.


I'm terribly sorry that updates have been slow. (;ω;) I will try to get a few chapters done shortly to make up for it!  I am hoping to get at least two chapters done today,  but I'd really like to get four done...  I don't have anything in particular to do - just another lazy day.... anyway, I will shut up now lol (: Have a great day you wonderful people!
           Don't forget that no matter what you are going through ~ stay strong because you are wonderful. Things will get better!
          くコ:彡 Squiddles out~! (idk... what that was but uhm... lol)